Easiest AP courses

<p>hey guys what do you think is the easiest ap course to study for on your own and get a 5 on </p>

<p>I need to know about the courses which give you the hightest possible chance of getting a 5 on the AP exam</p>

<p>i heard for math -- stats is the easiest
and psychology is the easiest overall </p>

<p>what about world history, or environment science!!!!!!!</p>

<p>I wouldn't say that any AP exam is "easy"...</p>

<p>It depends on what you're good at. AP Stat is by no means easy... HS level stat and prob is fairly straightforward, but AP Stat is more theoretical. AP Calc AB is fairly straightforward... BC is harder</p>

<p>I've never taken psych so I don't know.</p>

<p>From my experience, AP Stat is harder than AP Calculus AB and BC.</p>

<p>take ap us history, it's easy.</p>

<p>Why do you want to take the "easiest" APs? Is it only to run up the amount of AP classes you've taken with the least amount of effort to put you in contention for AP Scholar Awards? An award is a nice pat on the back, but ultimately you'd be further ahead working on an EC that sets you apart from all of the other uber intelligent kids out there. </p>

<p>Are you thinking that you will receive college credit if you receive 5's in all of your AP's no matter what the subject? Check this with the schools that you are interested in FIRST. Selective schools don't give ANY credit or placement advantage for many of the AP tests given. Why waste your time and $85.00 per test? </p>

<p>If you just want to be challenged beyond the normal course work available in your school - GOOD FOR YOU! (However, asking for the easiest sort of rules that out....? :) )</p>

<p>Or if you think that because you have 10 - 14 - etc, AP scores on your list you'll have a better chance of getting into the super select schools.....there are lots of kids at HYPSM with "only" 4 APs to their credit. These kids took time to develop their personalities not just their official transcripts. Schools do look at the whole package when deciding on admissions.</p>

<p>Just curious.</p>

<p>If the student needs to be told how to develop his personality then that is not his true personality. Maybe he just likes to take tests. Maybe he is going to a state school. Instead of being an ass I will answer your question. </p>

<p>AP Human Geography, AP World, and AP psych are easier 5's than some of the math/science ones. I wouldnt go as far as saying that Stat is harder than BC though..</p>

<p>No one can tell someone how to develop a personality. Rather than ASSuming what OP is trying to accomplish by taking the "easiest AP", I asked. If he 'just likes to take tests' that's fine. Maybe that IS his EC for his college applications.</p>

<p>However, I looked at his/her previous posts before I posted. He is looking and asking questions about selective schools in his posts, therefore the points I made were relevant for that type of school.</p>

<p>I merely pointed out that in some cases time and money can be better spent and how that extra time may be put to better use if selective college admissions is the goal. It was not a commentary on his life.</p>

<p>I thought AP World History was easy. You barely have to memorize anything....just know social, political, and economic trends, identify major wars, the influences of certain groups, etc. I got a 5.</p>

<p>AP Calc AB is harder than AP Calc BC because you're learning the material for the first time- much of BC is a review. </p>

<p>I think Psychology, Environmental Science, English (Lit & Lang), and Euro History are the easiest. Physics C isn't easy, but it has a very, very generous curve on the exam.</p>

<p>are you kidding me... stat is the easiest ap by far. it used to be considered a semester ap(when calculating for ap scholar awards it was like .5 of an ap exam). its very straight forward and could be learned in two weeks or like a week over the summer.</p>

<p>from what ive heard :
Human Geography
music theory(warning u have to have prior experience)</p>

<p>i'm gonna bet that environmental will be the easiest - but it also seems like a lot of fun, as well as very interesting (gahhh, i want to go back to school already!)</p>

<p>Um, I wouldn't say any AP test is "easy," and the difficulty of each test varies from person to person, so I wouldn't judge on what to take just because one person in a forum said a certain test was easy. You have to work for all of them (judging from my and others' experiences)...</p>

<p>wuz hardeh dan ap iz IB, skunkz.</p>

<p>Not all of us go to schools that offer IB, in which we can learn those superb writing and grammatical skills, mexican't.</p>


<p>anyone who says otherwise is wrong. it's by far the most fun/interesting course, mostly memorization of vocab, very easy.</p>

<p>calc ab is very easy to self study, especially if you have taken/are taking physics c</p>

<p>Psychology, Human Geography, Statistics, Biology (if you did well on the SAT II), and World History.</p>

<p>I have a personal grudge against Environmental Science. It's only easy if you use the right resources. Barron's is complete crap and a waste of time. Use Tyler Miller's textbooks (I'm not sure whether the new REA and PR books will be any good) and you'll be fine. Otherwise, get ready for a 4 <em>sniff</em>.</p>