<p>What's the easiest ap? Why? Thanks.</p>
<p>depends with what subject you are more comfortable with compared to others</p>
<p>No AP is "easy." All APs have ups and downs, you just have to choose which one you like and can learn the most without doing much work.</p>
<p>The easiest AP is the one that you do not take.</p>
<p>There is no such thing as an easy AP test. for others: DONT ASK ANYMORE. If there was a truly "easy" AP test, then EVERYONE would be getting 5s. But then again, AP does not work like that.
If you really want to see how many people get 5s,4s, just check out the percentages.
<a href="http://collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/about.html%5B/url%5D">http://collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/about.html</a>
Right side, click on the different subjects.</p>
<p>Looking at the percentages is not a valid way of assessing the difficulty of an AP test. The Calc BC covers far more material than Calc AB, yet Calc BC has a much higher percentage of 5's. Calc BC has a higher pass rate because of the self-selective pool that takes the test - lots of math wizzes. Likewise, both of the Physics C tests have a much higher "5 rate" than Environmental Science, but this is because generally only students planning to pursue science in college take Physics C, while APES is notoriously "the slacker AP".</p>
<p>That being said, the only legitamate way to evaluate the difficulty of a particular AP is the amount of study time you have to put in to pass the test. Any smart kid could probably teach themselves APES or Statistics in less than a month of dedicated studying, but it takes a full school year to study Calc BC or both Physics Mech and Physics E/M.</p>
<p>Tubaman is right. The easiest AP is the subject in which you are most comfortable in. I found history and humanities interesting so I self studied AP World last year and got a 5.</p>
<p>it depends on ur strengths and weaknesses
some say calc but if u suck at math then obviously u dont think its easy
dont listen to people saying AP X is sooo easy guaranteed 5 blah blah</p>
<p>All the dumbasses at my school who want to take an AP just to put on their application that they took an AP take APES.</p>
<p>Generally is whatever subject you have the most knowledge of before taking the class and exam. For me, that was US History.</p>
<p>at my school, people who want the easiest AP's take AP Art History, AP Stat, or AP Bio</p>
<p>since when is AP Bio the easiest class?????????????????????</p>
That being said, the only legitamate way to evaluate the difficulty of a particular AP is the amount of study time you have to put in to pass the test. Any smart kid could probably teach themselves APES or Statistics in less than a month of dedicated studying, but it takes a full school year to study Calc BC or both Physics Mech and Physics E/M.
<p>Alright, so if "any smart kid" could teach themselves APES or Statistics, because it's "so easy" why isnt everyone getting 5s? or atleast say half? or even 40 percent?</p>
<p>Statistics 5s = 12.6%
Environmental Science 5s = 9.3%</p>
<p>[note, I have taken neither Statistics nor E.S.]
Even for these, the work must be "somewhat" difficult since only about ~10 % are getting 5s.</p>
<p>Am I evaluating this information in a incorrect manner? Plz reply. thanks</p>
Alright, so if "any smart kid" could teach themselves APES or Statistics, because it's "so easy" why isnt everyone getting 5s? or atleast say half? or even 40 percent?
<p>The free-response graders are ludicrously strict.</p>
The free-response graders are ludicrously strict.
Ok, but still, its a hard test then, RIGHT?</p>
<p>no..because Collegeboard doesn't want everyone to get a 5...only about 10 percent will get a 5..it is also on their site <a href="http://collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/envsci/dist.html?envsci%5B/url%5D">http://collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/envsci/dist.html?envsci</a></p>
<p>it is different for each test, but only around 9-11 percent will get a 5 (roughly) on APs</p>
<p>its not like other exams...APs are based on how well u do against every1 else that takes it</p>
<p>OK then, the ABOVE only furthers my point that there is no "EASY" AP because only a certain amount will get 5s.</p>
<p>and yes, I know for Calc BC it is like 40%, but let's regard that as the exception, not the rule.</p>
<p>personally, I think US History AP is the easiest, since you spend two year in high school, and you have probably spent several years before high school studying it</p>
<p>I'm a math and science person, but us history is just easier because if you are that ignorant of a person...you probably know half of the answers without needing to study</p>
<p>lol, meant to say "if you aren't ignorant" rather "than if you are that ignorant of a person"</p>
<p>I thought AP Calculus AB was the easiest so far. (Out of the 6 I've taken). Mostly because I had an amazing teacher. His tests were WAY harder than the AP test. I remember coming out of the test and wondering if I did everything wrong because it was SO easy compared to what I was used to.</p>