Easiest AP's??

<p>I was wondering what you guys think the easiest AP's are..... And if I'll be able to take any of them (self study) in eighth grade?? Thanks....</p>

<p>From what I’ve heard on this site, Human Geo, Psych and Envi Sci are the easiest.</p>

<p>Do you think I could do them as am eighth grader?</p>

<p>These are just based on my experience and opinion.</p>

<p>English Language - We literally did nothing in class most of the time (such as watching poetry on YouTube), and did no actual in class prep until about two weeks before the exam. Even then, I don’t feel like the prep in class helped. So basically, the night before the test I just memorized the definitions of some literary devices and was good to go.</p>

<p>Computer Science A - If you have just the slightest amount of prior knowledge in programming, the material is a breeze to learn. Strong logic skills help as well. Also, people who are good at math are generally also good at compsci. I’d say 60-70% of our class time was spent working on programs, and the rest of the time was spent on notes or taking quizzes/tests, so it’s really not that much material to study.</p>

<p>Yes a motivated 8th grader can definitely self-study the easy AP’s like Human Geo, Environmental Science, and Pyschology, since most of these are traditionally taken by 9th graders anyway. But I’m not sure why you’d bother, you won’t get useful college credit (unless you want to major in something useless like geography), it won’t help you get into college, and you could probably just take the class next year as a freshman.</p>

<p>I think that, as a young student, the main issue you should consider is whether or not you can handle the writing required on the FRQs. My son took two exams as an eighth-grader, but they were not writing intensive (Calc and Bio); we never would have considered a history exam for him at that age, because he just could not write enough to do well. This year (ninth) he took Env.Sci. and he was able to handle the writing, but this subject is an area of strength for him.</p>

<p>If you write well and enjoy writing, then I think you would do fine on one of the exams that already have been mentioned. If you are not a strong writer, I would wait.</p>

<p>Definately Human Geography!! A peer of mine failed the first semester of the class and still managed a three.</p>


<p>What would be the point? I do not recommend self studying your first AP, even if it is easy. Something that’s “easy” for a Junior will be very difficult for an 8th grader.</p>

<p>Yeah… self-studying your very first AP would be an extremely poor decision. Not only will you not know how the AP program operates, you probably won’t be able to prepare for the test efficiently.</p>

<p>But back on topic, I’d vote: Psychology, Human Geography, and Environmental Science.
And… if English isn’t your first language, whatever native language AP corresponds to your first language. That would probably be the EASIEST.</p>

If you want to base your decision on what to self-study on what the “easiest” AP is, you’re self-studying for the wrong reason. AP classes are about gaining valuable knowledge not available in the traditional high school class that will serve you in your college life and beyond, not seeing who can take the most. If you fill your resume with tons of AP classes you’re not even really interested in, what’s the point? It’s not an accurate representation of who you are.<br>
You’re only in 8th grade. I’d step back, take a deep breath, and enjoy middle school while you’re still in it. You can still be focused on academics without trying to take on an AP class (I know I would never have been able to handle an AP when I was an 8th grader!!). Still, I applaud your ambition and wish you the best of luck when the time comes for you to take AP classes in high school. Good luck! :)</p>


<p>I think there was a student who recently got AP Scholar with Distinction who wasn’t even in 9th grade at that point. There was also a 9th grader who got National AP Scholar. That’s insane. Best of luck if you are self-studying a subject. You shouldn’t study what you find to be the easiest, but what you find interesting. Instead of self-studying an AP, maybe you can study a 9th grade class like math so you can skip a year of that subject (if your school will let you).</p>

<p>The following is from Silverturtle’s Guide to the SAT and College Admissions, I suggest you check it out, just for the knowledge of its existence, if not more. It’s stickied in the SAT prep forum, or you could always google search it.


<p>Ridethewave, how did your son possibly take calc in 8th grade? When did he take algebra, trig and precalc?</p>

<p>Why wouldn’t it help for college.</p>

<p>Stats - if good at math, psych</p>

<p>Sent from my LS670 using CC App</p>

<p>rainbowrose, he is homeschooled, which means he is able to go at his own pace.</p>

<p>out of the ones ive taken, psychology and human geography are the easiest
english language is really easy too since you dont have to study at all for it</p>

<p>I have to disagree with the people saying Human Geo. It was not that easy as a self-study, in fact it kept me from state scholar as it was my only 3 out of 8 tests, the 7 others which I also self-studied and were supposedly harder than Human Geo. IDK maybe I’m crazy but a lot of the questions were like *** how could anyone know that. Psychology, English Lang, US Gov, the Econs are definitely doable.</p>

Well, you only need around 50% accuracy to get a 4…</p>