easiest classes for freshmen

<p>Hey guys. This is mainly a question for current Penn students. I've heard that many freshmen seminars and writing seminars are pretty easy. But in your own experience, which courses and teachers have proved to be the least tough and most accommodating in helping new students and in grades.</p>


<p>go to penn portal, under registration and academic information hit “more” and look for “penn course review.” Log in with your username and password. You should now be able to answer your own question.</p>

<p>thanks necro. i’ve was actually browsing PCR and i realized that some courses(ie language courses) dont have difficulty ratings for some reason… so i figured that there might be some hidden treasure that i might skip over.</p>

<p>do you recommend any from personal experience?</p>

<p>There’s this networking class about facebook under computer science or something.
Turkish has no grades apparently.
MUSC 050 is world music and that’s supposedly a breeze.
African Studies is supposedly easy too. AFR 001? Or something.
Intro to Anthropology wasn’t bad, so said my friends.
Ohoh, I took NELC 062, Land of the Pharaohs (what a baller name), with Prof Wegner and that was super easy. Satisfied two requirements for me too.</p>

<p>I’m also a freshman, and signed up for some supposedly hard courses (PHYS-170, MATH-260), so I’m looking for some potentially interesting, but more importantly easy classes. I’m trying to balance my courseload and score a good GPA.</p>

<p>Thanks xstingx</p>