Easiest Classes

<p>What are some easy classes being offered next (Spring 2009) semester at Cornell?
name them</p>

<p>Chem 358 :)</p>

<p>Anything having to do with Cultural studies (so long as it isn’t in the target culture’s language), or Gender and Women’s Studies, and all intro classes.</p>

<p>Ask people on campus.</p>


<p>some of my friends took intro to japanese society last semester - aka pokemon 101. no prelims/finals, just three essays - and they’re only 4-6 page essays, so they’re short/easy.</p>

<p>it might still be offered? if not, def take that next year if you’re still looking for easy classes.</p>

<p>Math 311 – Introduction to Real Analysis</p>

<p>dsoc 101 is easy, greek mythology</p>

<p>oh im taking Chem 358 next semester too, you should take it with me. 50% of the friends i know got As. I was in the other 50%… but thats beside the point…</p>

<p>I also took Japanese Society through film which is what i assume teh above guy was talking about. It’s 4 essays and 20% attendance … lots of work but teh teacher is nice with grades.</p>

<p>Kosher and Halal food regulations…there was a lot of work…but it was really easy…I got an A+</p>

<p>If you’re a science major, ASTRO 101 and ASTRO 102 are ridiculously easy. I studied half an hour for those exams and had A+'s. I managed to screw up the final with a 93 and only received an A in the course, but it’s still really easy fluff credit if you’re in need of a GPA boost.</p>

<p>If you take any intro courses, make sure you don’t end up in the “weed-out” class. No one likes doing more work than they have to just because the professor’s bent on showing the freshmen what college academics are really like.</p>

<p>My daughter highly recommends ASTRO 101 and 102 (1101 and 1102 according to the idiotic new numbering system), even to people who are not science majors. She’s not a science major, and she got A+'s in both. Not only is the material straightforward, the grading is set up so that only two of the three prelims count, which is handy if you are particularly busy during a certain part of the semester. My daughter had to go on an out-of-town trip just before one of the 101 prelims and didn’t study at all (I don’t even think she did the reading), but this didn’t matter because her grade didn’t count.</p>

<p>However, you should know that Professor Squyres, who usually co-teaches ASTRO 102, is on sabbatical this year. He’s very good, so if you plan to take ASTRO 102, you might want to wait until next year. Also, there is a bit of math in these courses, so they may not be dead easy if you are totally mathematically illiterate.</p>

<p>ASTRO 101 is not a prerequisite for 102. You can take the courses in either order or simply take one of them. However, there’s an advantage in taking both of them (from the point of view of easiness) because something like one-third of the material in each course repeats stuff that was taught in the other.</p>

<p>Why is the avg for astro 101 an A and 102 a B+…</p>

<p>I took 101 this semester and just studied by looking at the old exams. You don’t have to go to the lecture or anything and its REALLLY easy. Final was 90% recycled and iono how but i bombed it and got a 96 lol… which was too low for an A+…
but i found teh class to be really interesting… I always loved astronomy!!! I still do!!</p>

<p>Couple of suggestions with easy classes - </p>

<p>Psychology 101 - Just do the practice exams from [Psych</a> 101 Website](<a href=“http://www.psych101.net%5DPsych”>http://www.psych101.net) and do the PsychSims, and you’ll land an A. Guaranteed. That’s what I did. </p>

<p>Government 3111 or Government 3181 - Urban politics and Us Congress. Great for Political Science majors. The prelims are quite doable and DEFINITELY do the extra credit paper. The extra credit paper can increase your final grade by 1/3 to 2/3 of a grade point. You might not learn too much from these classes and the lecturer might be boring, but oh well. Suck it up and take the class if you want help w/ your GPA. </p>

<p>History - Derek Chang’s courses. He’s amazing, but you have to be interested in Asian American issues. Barry Strauss’s class are decently grade-inflated too, especially the War and Peace in Ancient Greece class.</p>

<p>Supposedly Greek mythology has gotten harder and that there’s no longer a curve. That means no more easy A’s. Introduction to China is not that easy anymore too according to one of my friends. </p>

<p>Also, Magical Mushrooms class is supposedly grade inflated. We’ll see - I’m taking the class.</p>

<p>If you want other suggestions on easy classes, please private message me.</p>

<p>i’ve heard the DSOC 101 is easier in the fall than it is in the spring but it did get slightly tougher this past year.</p>

<p>ILRHR 266: Essential Desktop Applications is one of the only A+ median grade open-to-everyone electives at Cornell. The average grades on the projects are literally 105. Unfortunately, this is the first semester that they dropped the grading scale from A-F to Pass/Fail because it was that easy. I got a A+. The material itself is extremely helpful though and I would take it again just to kill credits.</p>

<p>Psych 101 is no longer an easy class. Maas changed it this year because of the high grades he’s been giving out in the past years. I don’t know if next year will be the same.
Major changes include giving 3 max possible points at the end of the semester instead of 5, 1 for research and 2 for attendance. Also he said he will no longer be taking exam questions from past exams. He said all questions will be brand new, which was true for the first and probably second prelim. I noticed that the final had about 3-4 repeated questions. So taking past exams still helps but its pretty useless. Don’t know if this is true for next year…</p>

<p>just how easy is Astro 101/102? I have a class at the same time, so if I add it to my schedule i’ll never be able to go. can i still get an A if i just memorize the old prelims?</p>

<p>How/where do you get the old prelims??</p>

<p>The profs usually post their old prelims on blackboard. Also…people tend to save their exams and quizzes so if you have a friend who took the course in the past you can get exams that way. My friend saved everything from microbiology and lent it to me…which was awesome since most of the quiz questions were repeated.</p>

<p>you definitely can if you have a friend in the class… you won’t get an A from only past exams… note that a percent of your grade is based on clickers which you wont get if you aren’t going to be there. you need to skim through the book or something or read someone else’s notes though i have to say, i think maybe 1/20 people took notes in that class…
I was also thinking about this the other day. I want to take astro 102 but I wont have time to go to class because microbiology is at the same time… but i decided not to take astro… i’ll wait, maybe senior yr</p>

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