Easiest/Hardest Schools of Top-Tier Colleges to Get Into

<p>When you apply to certain colleges, I know you have to apply to specific schools (e.g. Fu for Columbia). Regarding this, is there a site that shows the highest acceptance rates for certain schools of top-tier colleges? Or, if not, does anyone have any inkling? Not basing my decisions on this, but was just curious...</p>

<p>hey. seriously think about this for a second: do you choose a college to attend or does a college choose you to attend?</p>

<p>If your answer is the latter, then you are the definition of an ultimate tool and should apply to the Top 25 USN&WR ranked schools to see which one falls for your facade of a personality.</p>

<p>If your answer is the former, do a little research and find out where you want to go for the next four years, and voila! you will find an answer to your question or find it irrelevant!</p>

<p>Also, you say you are "just curious" about something so pointless and irrelevant to enjoying one's life. Don't waste your mental energy worrying about crap like this, for your own good. CC'ers love to write pages and pages of posts discussing this garbage, and it's really just a complete waste of time in the end.</p>

<p>Don't fall into the bottomless pit of CC minutiae. I'm trying to help you here.</p>

<p>Easy IndieJimmy, it's just a question, and his/her first post at that.</p>

<p>There is not one site where you can find all the information you want. You just have to look for it. </p>

<p>I know that I have seen a Penn site with acceptance numbers for Engineering, Science/Arts, and Nursing for a year.</p>