easiest major to get into for hopkins?

<p>I visited johns hopkins last summer and really want to go there. I dont have an idea of what i want to do in the future as of now (in a way, i think im suitable for almost every field). I have a 2140 SAT and 3.7 unweighted GPA. I was just wondering what are some of the easier majors to get into, because getting in is the only thing that im concerned about right now.</p>

<p>This question has been asked and answered many, many times before. Short answer, is that you do not apply to a specific major when applying to Hopkins (exception = BME) so therefore your question is irrelevant. </p>

<p>Longer answer is posted here:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/johns-hopkins-university/541444-difficulty-getting-non-pre-med-s.html?highlight=easier[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/johns-hopkins-university/541444-difficulty-getting-non-pre-med-s.html?highlight=easier&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>wth -_-;; you posted the same thing for Carnegie Mellon. Is this a joke? You are making it sound like they are your dream school, but now it seems like you are jsut applying for so you can put that Johns Hopkins or Carnegie Mellon bumper sticker behind your car. Not that it’s wrong cuz many including me tend to go for schools with big names, but what’s the point if you go to a very good school and don’t even know what you want to do? At least I’m applying to the schools that have my dream major and offer good programs related to it.</p>

<p>I thought if I applied to Hopkins as a History of Art major it would mean that I would have a higher chance of getting in. Little did I know that Johns Hopkins’ History of Art program was rated #1 in the country. I was like…well, never mind. lol</p>

<p>The question isn’t “what major should I bubble in so I can maximize my probability of being accepted”. Rather, you should be asking "how am I going to write my ‘why I want to purse ___ major’ essay to make it look like I’m interested. Oh btw, the I would say the easiest major to get in is biomedical engineering (regardless of what everyone else says) or biology. I applied to both.</p>

<p>I put math and physics on my application. The physics department is a top program in the world and the math program is highly respected, although both have relatively few majors (compared to say, BME, Public Health, Neuroscience, International Studies…). Did I know that when I applied? No. Did I care? No. Both of my essays were about why I loved math and physics, my EC’s backed my essay, and I got in.</p>

<p>Choose what interests you, make sure your EC’s back you, and you’ll be fine.</p>