Looking for feedback on easiest science course from the below listed. I am not a science major so this is only for my associates.
Human Bio, Tropical Ecology, Principles of Gen Chem, Marine Bio, Human Anatomy, Earth/Space, Environmental Science
Looking for feedback on easiest science course from the below listed. I am not a science major so this is only for my associates.
Human Bio, Tropical Ecology, Principles of Gen Chem, Marine Bio, Human Anatomy, Earth/Space, Environmental Science
Often colleges have science courses geared for non-majors – if they exist in your school seek them out so you are not in classes with pre-med students and others who are strong in STEM disciplines. Other than the relative difficulty of a course will largely depend on your background, you academic strengths, the professor teaching the class etc.
I agree with @happy1, also if any of those science topics are interesting to you, you are apt to do better.
I am loathe to recommend this, but look on rate my professor for the professors of those courses and see what they say. Also ask your adviser what the recommend based on your major. Make sure to take a non-major class like mentioned above.
For these intro-type classes the professor is the key determining factor of difficulty. Generally speaking try to avoid classes that are med/dental/engineering pre-reqs.
Also, check to see which classes have labs.
^^^^And be aware of whether a lab course is required to transfer,
Sometimes lab courses cost more fees, too.