<p>A local music mom suggested we look at ECU School of Music. Does anyone know anything about it?</p>
<p>Not much discussed here, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. A previous thread exists here <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/music-major/371652-any-info-east-carolina-university.html?highlight=east+carolina+university%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/music-major/371652-any-info-east-carolina-university.html?highlight=east+carolina+university</a></p>
<p>Both posters are still active in the forum; perhaps they might have gleaned further info than what's indicated.</p>
<p>The Master List 08 of Acceptances thread here <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/music-major/424909-master-list-music-school-acceptances-fall-2008-a-33.html%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/music-major/424909-master-list-music-school-acceptances-fall-2008-a-33.html</a> is a good source of reference in pinning down posters with some level of knowledge of a school. In many cases, a school visit, departmental contact and audition experience is most probably involved. It can be a good starting point for searching for info from past posts.</p>
<p>Their trumpet studio has done quite well at the National Trumpet Competition...AND they have some graduates on trumpet (who DS knows) who are very talented and have gone to terrific grad schools. They also have a trumpet symposium annually. Don't really know about the overall program, however.</p>
<p>A general comment about the school: a friend who is an educator and did much research for her son who is learning disabled and very bright, picked East Carolina for him. She felt it was an exceptional college.</p>
<p>Can't help on the instrumental side of things, but I do believe for voice/choral/opera studies it would be excellent. Director of Choral Studies there has been the New York State Summer School of the Arts (Choral Studies Division) Director the last 2 years and has been hired to conduct NY's Conference All-State Mixed Choir next year. He brought 2 other ECU faculty members to NYSSSA to teach voice lessons and opera scenes- they were FANTASTIC, as was all the choral work. Also brought 2 pianists from ECU who were fabulous. Last summer they "recruited" D to come look, but I think she felt it was a little too far and we never did (which I do regret a bit). Web site looks good, and they have a lot going on there. Hopefully other depts. there are as strong as voice!</p>
<p>I have run into many ECU music grads as a working professional musician, which is always a good sign.</p>