you're crazy
What's crazy about taking the AP tests after the AP class? The only ones up there without classes are Economics and Statistics, which I'm not even sure I'm doing yet.</p>
you're crazy
What's crazy about taking the AP tests after the AP class? The only ones up there without classes are Economics and Statistics, which I'm not even sure I'm doing yet.</p>
<p>i believe he was refering to the amount of (difficult) classes you will be taking during the next two years...(e.g. bio chem physics AND lit in one year?!)</p>
<p>Anybody have any tips on the AP Physics C Exam?
I suck at physics/science and my teacher (what an oxymoron) doesn't teach. So, um, any advice at all would help. Honestly, I think it requires too much logic for my brain and I have never taken calculus.</p>
<p>Then you are not going anywhere-C level requires calculus.</p>
<p>What about AP Physics B? Does that course require a background in Calculus and/or a lot of advanced math?</p>
<p>No, not as much. I believe B requires at least a knowledge of all precalculus topics, including trigonometry.</p>
<p>physics C is harrrrrrrrd... I'm in it right now.</p>
<p>AP Govt, AP US, AP Spanish, AP World, AP Calc AB are all jokes</p>
<p>AP Music Theory, IMHO, is rather difficult. That's just me though. I've heard the test is insane.</p>
<p>According to my AP Calc teacher, AP Physics is a joke and Physics is for lazy, dirty scoundrels who are not intelligent enough to do calculus and right now we are doing problems that could be done through physics (which I haven't had now) and he says physics methods get you a 0 and if you use physics in class, he'll refuse to help you through the rest of the year. He also said physics teachers are renowned for lying and they are too afraid to work with complex equations etc. so dont sweat physics.</p>
<p>wow.. somebody HATES physics...
I'm taking AP Calc BC and AP physics at the same time and I'm finding AP physics to be more difficult than Calc. but then I have a really bad physics teacher...</p>
<p>I took Physics C last year and this year I am taking Calc BC. Physics C is much more challenging than Calc, methinks.</p>
i believe he was refering to the amount of (difficult) classes you will be taking during the next two years...(e.g. bio chem physics AND lit in one year?!)
I've survived this year somehow. But the AP that's going to kill me next year is Chem. I heard it was very difficult. (and now I'm hearing bad news about Physics C)</p>
<p>one could self study for ap human geography and ap comparitive government.</p>
<p>those are the easy ones for someone to pass the exam with little or no prep before.</p>
<p>i think what cow tipper means is that the ap human geo exam is not predictable. It is essentially a random assortment of current events. However, I completely bombed one essay and made a 5 and I believe all of you could do the same with adequate prep.</p>
<p>The truth is there is no real <em>easy</em> AP exam. I love english so i just took both exams without taking the classes. I know a boy who is passionate about math and took both the Calc and the AP Physics exam without a class and got a 5 on them. The thing is if you really love something you can self study. If you don't it is going to be a long ride. ---</p>
<p>I can attest that the AP Music Theory class is easy (although the first semester exam was the only exam in my personal history that I've never finished) but the test is HARD HARD HARD.</p>
<p>I got a 2. :( :(</p>
<p>subscore 3 ear training, 2 written. my friend got a 5 though.....</p>
<p>renin your friend is crazy. haha</p>
<p>i took the music theory exam last year and got a 1, i guess i sort of expected that though since i didn't have any prep in the class at all. sort of just took it for the easy a. we met a couple of times a month, and there was not much learning going on when class was in session, haha. </p>
<p>but i might have hoped to have scored higher considering the fact that i took piano lessons/theory for years and did certificate of merit at level seven... it is definitely something you need to study for w/ a background in music, i was thrown off by stuff that realted to different types of instruments and more, maybe orchestra? type thing son the test</p>
<p>Your friend self-studied Physics and Calculus? What a motivated kid. That's truly commendable.</p>
<p>what's with people who take like 6+ APs a year? here, it's unheard of... my genuis friend who has like never studied in his life and gotten a straight 4.0 (and my school is difficult...) is taking 5 this year (calc, physics c, chem, english and french) and his social life has gone kaput, lol. </p>
<p>i'm only taking two (chem and euro, which are both hellish) and probably three next year (calc, english and french!) </p>
<p>i've heard the econ one was difficult to self-study, though...</p>