<p>I need an Arts and Lit course thats really easy...I have a heavy load next semester so i need an east filler class....Any ideas?</p>
<p>Thanks a lot guys!</p>
<p>I need an Arts and Lit course thats really easy...I have a heavy load next semester so i need an east filler class....Any ideas?</p>
<p>Thanks a lot guys!</p>
<p>Classics 10B. Dunno if there are still openings</p>
<p>Thanks for the response…the prof who’s teaching that (Sailor) is not on pickaprof or campusbuddy, so i dont want to enroll in the course (i absolutely <em>have</em> to see a prof’s grade distribution before taking a class)…but in general it doesnt seem THAT easy…only 30% gets A’s in the classes of the other 2 profs that teach it…</p>
<p>Im looking for a REALLY easy course (i.e. 50%+ A’s…Like Willer in the soci dept gives 90% A’s…that kind of thing)</p>
<p>Thanks though</p>
<p>umm… that class is ****ing easy. Sailor is new, but he probably is going to follow Prof. Murphy’s system for the class.</p>
<p>BTW it is 50% A’s.</p>
<p>I skipped a lot of the readings and still managed to get over a 100% in the class (100% plus some extracredit)</p>
<p>Does Classic 10B fulfill the premed English reuqirement?</p>
<p>i dont think so.</p>
<p>music 179: music and oral narrative</p>
<p>it’s on monday’s from 2-5pm, which is cool because it’s only once a week and professors usually cut 3 hours classes down alot because they get tired of talking.</p>
<p>oops, sorry… i didn’t see that you said ‘arts and lit.’
i’m not sure if that music class count for that!
but if you do take it, you’ll like it!</p>
<p>this is a good thread im curious too</p>
<p>[Career</a> Center - Ask the Counselor](<a href=“http://career.berkeley.edu/Ask/AskSearchResult.asp?id=1226]Career”>http://career.berkeley.edu/Ask/AskSearchResult.asp?id=1226)</p>
<p>The English requirement is actually very vague.
Career center is saying most humanities courses should do.
Classics 10B is a humanities course</p>
<p>Making it an absolute requirement to see a professor’s grade distribution on those web sites, or strictly abiding to what you read on Ratemyprofessors is seriously robbing you of taking some wonderful classes. If I had stuck to what people said on there, I wouldn’t have the spectacular mentor I have now. </p>
<p>Ask around to other people that you know in real life that may have the same temperament as you.</p>
<p>try S ASIAN R5B</p>
<p>R&C Courses do not count towards Arts/Lit breadth req.</p>
<p>oops sorry missed the first part</p>
<p>try a cutlure oriented lit class.
like lower div japanese lit.
I hear those types of classes are pretty laid back.</p>
<p>Oh, I’m surprised nobody said this – but try Scandinavian 106 with Karin Sanders. Trust me…I was getting A’s on essays, and I hardly went to class. You should be a decent writer of course, but in terms of workload, this is an amazing slacker class - 2 five page essays, and a final exam where the questions are fairly open-ended.</p>
<p>how’s classics 10b during summer?</p>