Easy-Cheesy Science Courses

<p>Now, I realize that this may sound like heresy to all the parents of STEM majors, lol. But my liberal-arts-major son just wants to get his 8-credit lab-science core requirement out of the way. Soooo…he’s wondering which would be his best bet for an easy science sequence for fall-spring 2012.</p>

<p>Initially he was thinking of the basic Geology intro course – what we used to call, back in my day, “Rocks for Jocks.” But friends have told him that the basic Astronomy intro courses are just as easy and lots of fun, so he’s leaning in that direction.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any info re these courses? Which is easier, Geology or Astronomy? (Please don’t think he just wants to coast through: He’ll have two Honors history courses, upper-level Latin and Greek classes, and an Emerging Scholars research project. He figures – and we agree – that it’s OK to have one easy class per semester to balance all the tough stuff.)</p>

<p>In home-school high school, he had the full science sequence through physics. But he’s not the STEM type, and he’s not up for doing a super-hard science in addition to advanced Latin and Greek!</p>

<p>Advice greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!</p>


<p>Science for Core…the ones with the N designation…</p>

<p>I think many of the N courses that aren’t sciences for STEM majors would work…avoid Principles of Bio, Gen Chem, Physics with Cal, and General Physics (and any of the honors versions).</p>

<p>Astronomy, Geology and Geography classes may work. :)</p>

<p>Natural Science (N) and Mathematics (MA)</p>

<p>Subject Number Class Name Type
AEM 120 Aerospace Science for Educators N
AY 101&102 Introduction to Astronomy and Lab N
AY 203 Observational Astronomy N
AY 204 Frontiers Solar System Astronomy N
AY 206 Astronomy Beyond the Solar System N
BSC 108 Introductory Biology for Non-Majors I N
BSC 109 Introductory Biology for Non-Majors II N
BSC 114&115 Principles of Biology I & lab N
BSC 116&117 Principles of Biology II & lab N
BSC 118 Honors General Biology I N
BSC 120 Honors General Biology II N
CH 101 General Chemistry I N
CH 102 General Chemistry II N
CH 104 Introductory Chemistry N
CH 105 Introductory Organic Chemistry N
CH 117 Honors General Chemistry I N
CH 118 Honors General Chemistry II N
CSM 116 The Mathematics of Compounding in Goal-Setting MA
GEO 101 The Dynamic Earth N
GEO 102 The Earth Through Time N
GEO 104 Hazardous Earth N
GEO 105 Sustainable Earth N
GY 101 Atmospheric Processes and Patterns N
GY 102 Earth Surface Processes N
MATH 110 Finite Mathematics MA
MATH 112 Precalculus Algebra MA
MATH 113 Precalculus Trigonometry MA
MATH 115 Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry MA
MATH 121 Calculus and Applications MA
MATH 125 Calculus I MA
MATH 126 Calculus II MA
MATH 145 Honors Calculus I MA
MATH 146 Honors Calculus II MA
MATH 227 Calculus III MA
MATH 237 Applied Matrix Theory MA
MATH 238 Applied Differential Equations I MA
MATH 247 Honors Calculus III MA
MATH 257 Linear Algebra MA

  • MTE 155 Freshman Seminar N
    NEW 243 Natural Science I Lab Experience N
    NS 101 Natural Science N
    PH 101 General Physics I N
    PH 102 General Physics II N
    PH 105 General Physics with Calculus I N
    PH 106 General Physics with Calculus II N
    PH 115 Descriptive Physics for Non-Science Majors N
    PH 125 Honor General Physics with Calculus I N
    PH 126 Honor General Physics with Calculus II N
    PH 253&255 Introduction to Modern Physics N
  • UA Only - not currently a State-wide (AGSC) approved core course</p>

<p>LadyDi, you aren’t the only one wondering about an easy science course. I was looking at this recently for my D who will be double majoring in English and Spanish, and minoring in Latin. I would love to hear about some science courses that are interesting but not overwhelming for non-STEM majors. D is thinking about taking the Astronomy course with lab and will need another science with lab to get her 4 more hours.</p>

<p>My D is looking for an easy science course also. She has 4 credits from AP Enviro, but needs another 4. We’ve looked at the Geography, Geology and Astronomy classes, but a lot of the profs don’t look so good on Rate My Professor. Of course, if might be that the students taking those entry level courses don’t particularly care for science and that affects the ratings. Can anyone recommend a good professor in one of those areas?</p>

<p>I’ve heard Geography (GY) 101 and 102 is very easy - it’s intro to weather after all.</p>

<p>The professor who teach GY 101 and 102, Jason Senkbeil, has good ratings on RMP.</p>

<p>[JasonSenkbeil</a> - University of Alabama - RateMyProfessors.com](<a href=“http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1055474]JasonSenkbeil”>Jason Senkbeil at University of Alabama | Rate My Professors)</p>

<p>Geology 102 and Astronomy 101/102 are both relatively easy and intensely fascinating (unless you find the history of life/Earth and the universe boring).</p>

<p>The lab for astronomy (AY 102) is somewhat difficult, so overall I’d have to say that geology is easier, but not by a significant margin.</p>

<p>Also, taking geography 101 and 102 is probably the easiest way to fulfill the requirement, if that’s an important factor.</p>

<p>Thanks so much, y’all!</p>

<p>And bump this one too</p>

<p>I heard from niece that BSC 108 is not too hard- anyone know?</p>

<p>Is that the Bio that nurses take?</p>

<p>If your son doesn’t need bio (which usually requires lots of memorization), then take something else. for those who easily memorize such stuff it may be easy…for those who can’t, it may be hard.</p>

<p>No it’s for Non-majors- on list above…</p>

<p><a href=“http://bama.ua.edu/~jlclark4/108/syllabus.html[/url]”>http://bama.ua.edu/~jlclark4/108/syllabus.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Pre-nursing students take BSC215, BSC216, and BSC242, not 108.</p>

<p>I’m a Theatre/English major - so you could say science isn’t exactly my favorite thing. I’m currently taking BSC 108. It’s one of the easiest classes I’ve ever taken - my professor literally just reads off the slides. Show up to class, answer clicker questions (easy peasy), take notes, review briefly before tests, bam. As long as you do the work (minimal homework, very easy labs) I can’t imagine how it could be difficult. I’d definitely recommend it for those of us who aren’t into the whole science thing.</p>

<p>My D also took BSC 108 and found it extremely easy. She is an English major.</p>

<p>My S took Geoscience at the local community college over the summer. He didn’t really like having a class over the summer but it was easy and it was nice to get it out of the way.</p>