Easy Classes at UW

<p>my orientation is coming up, which is this month on 24-25, and i know i will sign up for chem and math. however, i need an easy class for the third one cuz i want to be able to focus on chem and math :P.
i was thinking about psych 101, so if there are any of you who have taken or heard about this class, will this be a easy class?
i'm also open to other options, if you can list some of them, that would be great.
ohh but i hate history, so take that out if history is involved, haha. thanks!</p>

<p>I would go to the site ratemyprofessors.com and look up UW-Seattle. This way you don’t have to wait for feedback from here as it’s already up on that site.</p>

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<p>umm it’s going to take forever to look at each professors…</p>

<p>also that link is for Wisconsin…</p>

<p>i think the teacher is just as important as the course, if you have a few classes in mind, i would compare them in the course evaluation catalog (once you have logged on to myuw), i found them helpful
<a href=“Shibboleth Authentication Request”>Shibboleth Authentication Request;

<p>click on table of contents, then the letter the class starts with</p>

<p>^ this helps a TON thanks a lot!</p>