<p>Can anyone name some easy classes to take at Penn?</p>
<p>I'm trying to transfer to wharton and I need a 3.8 which is just silly.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Can anyone name some easy classes to take at Penn?</p>
<p>I'm trying to transfer to wharton and I need a 3.8 which is just silly.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>just use penn course review, sort by lowest difficulty</p>
<p>nah yo i want NAMES. PCR is really bad and misleadng a lot of the time.</p>
<p>j money- to have a 3.8, is that all A and one B? so 7/8 As? And to transfer, is it just like “get a 3.8 or higher and you’re in” or is there more to it than that? Did you apply to penn with transfer to wharton in mind (be honest) and what school r u in now?</p>
<p>^^^^5 As and 1 B is a 3.8333 i bielieve so its like a 5:1 ratio or 5/6 As</p>
<p>A = 4
A- = 3.7
B+ = 3.3
B = 3</p>
<p>So u can do the math.</p>
<p>I applied not thinking about transfering so i am a little behind on prerequisites (Have to take econ and a few others) so i wont even be able to apply until sophomore year. However, I’m pretty sure the requirement goes down to 3.7 then.</p>
<p>And yes, it is strictly GPA based, descending order they take however many and usually the lowest gpa is a 3.8. But this thread is about easy classes that will make it easier to get there…</p>
<p>well what school are you in and what have you already taken this semester / already plan to take next semester?</p>
<p>in psyc 001, math 104, freshman seminar - ancient mesopotamia, span 140</p>
<p>next semester econ 001, ling 001, writing seminar - mobiles & mobilization, 2 easy classes that im not sure of atm</p>
<p>soci 137 is supposed to be a consistently easy one (though not as much as in previous years)</p>
<p>looking at course review, geol 100, nurs 333, crim 100 seem good</p>
<p>(the trick is to pick easiest classes, then sort by number of responses - and see which ones come up often)</p>
<p>You’re trying to back-door into Wharton, and you want other people to do the work for you. I hope you can see why so many of us current students are just so excited to help…</p>
<p>I may be wrong, but don’t you need econ 001 AND 002 to transfer at the end of the freshman year?</p>