Easy, Interesting Ethnic Studies Classes

<p>I'm a Mechanical Engineering major looking to fulfill my ethnic studies this spring semester.
Does anyone have any ideas for an easy but still somewhat interesting 3 credit ethnic studies class?</p>

<p>Advice from my D:</p>

<p>If you need something for this semester, you’ll have to go to myuw to find courses that are still open and fulfill the ethnic studies requirement. Many are, but nothing that she would call interesting except possibly History 246, SE Asian Refugees of the Cold War, which has a highly rated professor, but does not look easy.</p>

<p>She took African American Studies 326, cross listed with Woman Studies 326.
“Race and Gender: Post-WWII U.S. Society”</p>

<p>Interesting, not at all easy. Tons of reading. She got a B.</p>

<p>Look at Anthropology 104. Everyone takes it. It’s not that
easy b/c there’s a research paper, but it counts as ethnic studies and
social sciences PLUS it is a low-level, elementary class. The section
meeting on TuTh 2:30PM - 3:45PM is still open. The only problem is
that the professor is unanimously disorganized per ratemyprofessor.</p>

<p>Just take anthro 104 next semester.</p>

<p>Asian American Studies 102, crosslisted with Folklore 102, is a
similar class that fulfills both ethnic studies and either humanities
or social sciences, whichever you wish it to. But that one is full.
You’d have to go on a waitlist. The prof is slightly better though.</p>

<p>African-American Studies 156 - Black Music and American Cultural History (1950s-current) is very popular, 2 lectures weekly and a discussion section, a paper is required, one midterm, one final and one presentation in disc. section. </p>

<p>Very hard to register for (fills up fast). According to the UW Registrar grade distribution report, 39.1% earned a grade of ‘A’, and 39.6 earned a grade of ‘AB’, last spring semester.</p>

<p>When asked son noted his only class they took attendance in was his Jewish Studies course, mainly because too many people would have skipped as they were taking it only to meet the ethnic studies req.</p>