Easy Philosophy breadths? That are available for the fall! some are listed, not avail

<p>Help! I find interesting ones but they aren't available in the fall! They're only listed on the l&s website.</p>

<p>Also some don't have grade distributions.</p>

<p>Philosophy 3 is an interesting topic but don’t know if its easy. ESPM50AC is popular and easy.</p>

<p>that sucks cause I just got my AC done. Should I do it anyways?</p>

<p>I enjoyed Philosophy 6 and did not find it too hard.</p>

<p>The subject matter of Philos 3 is indeed interesting, but somewhat dense. The professor this semester (Lee, IIRC) is sometimes pretty boring, but also sometimes very enlightening when it comes to his examples and explanations of things.</p>

<p>Ultimately, it’s not a very difficult class, but it is time-intensive. You’re likely not going to get a good grasp on the material unless you read a few times and ask for help from the GSI. And the material you read was, imo, incredibly boring.</p>