Easy way to get in?

<p>^ LOL. It’s all clear now haha</p>

<p>As a Penn student, I find this offensive on multiple levels. For starters, you’re thinking of materially misrepresenting yourself to schools, which is by definition unethical. As a gay man, I’m offended that you would make light of the very real, very traumatic prejudice that actual LGBTQ students have experienced and overcome. (Fortunately, I’m not among them and have had it relatively easy.) Even worse is that this is a calculated, considered, and premeditated move that you’re thinking of making. </p>

<p>I’m categorically opposed to any type of affirmative action, but even more opposed to applicants lying to adcoms. I’ll level with you: I’ve spun facts before and puffed myself up on occasion (yes, even in applications), and would be nothing less than shocked if a single applicant anywhere claimed not to have spun anything in their favor, but there is a fine line between exaggerating and lying of which we are all aware. An exaggeration is a representation of a truth in an excessive manner, while a lie is a known untruth presented as truth. To knowingly deceive adcoms destroys the very foundation upon which admissions is based: Trust. By violating the tacit, implicit trust that adcoms place in applicants, you and others like you selfishly compromise this foundation and the entire process for every subsequent class of students. </p>

<p>There is nothing remotely humorous about this and was surprised that you were not responded to with more indignation. I find the jests almost as appalling as the OP.</p>

<p>On a more practical note, I sincerely doubt you could leverage either a falsified sexual orientation or coming out story successfully unless you are a gifted actor.</p>

<p>^ buzzkill…well i thought it was a funny idea but im not easilly offended by JOKES!!!</p>

<p>Yeah settle down wayward … our indignation was expressed as ridicule. No need to be so uptight : /</p>


<p>The OP explicitly stated (and repeatedly) that this thread was not a joke and that he intended to try this with multiple schools. Did I misread?</p>

<p>The OP is an idiot, just read his “if colleges were stocks…” post. Just a ■■■■■ trying to insult Penn probably more than gay people.</p>

<p>Ya I believe the OP is indeed a ■■■■■. However, I’m not sure he’s qualified to hate on Penn or gay people. A prereq for hating on Penn is a 2200+.</p>

<p>psht penn is the the 2nd easiest ivy to get into behind cornell, get off your high horses, the big boys roll at HYP</p>

<p>^ unnecessary … go away.
Plus Wharton is the best in the world for business.</p>

<p>^The big boys like you?</p>

<p>They won’t let every gay student in, so it’s not an “easy way to get in”. There isn’t such a thing for such a good school (except maybe “My parent is the dean of admissions” but I think they watch for this), so chill Gordon Gekko.</p>

<p>Also, “pretend to be gay”? I get how this would work in an application, but an interview? What if they send a gay interviewer, and you walk in trying to impersonate a gay stereotype? Yeah, they’ll know. Anything more than “I’m gay” would be pretty obvious. Oh, and if you do get in, I hope they give your name to the LGBT group on campus, they contact you, and you get “outed” so to speak. Actually, it would make for an interesting news story. What would UPENN do?</p>

<p>Come to think about it, if you pretend to be gay/got accepted on the condition that you are gay, you’re chances of marrying a Penn girl is zero.</p>

<p>But hey, there are always the “academically inquisitive” girls right next door at Drexel!</p>



<p>Admissions Targets LGBT Applicants
[Penn</a> Gazette | Gazetteer](<a href=“Penn: Page not found”>Penn: Page not found)</p>

<p>Completely agree with Wayward_trojan; as a current Penn student who is familiar and impressed with the work our LGBTQ groups do on campus to try to gain more social acceptance, I am disgusted that applicants would talk so seriously about “pretending to be gay” to get in. Sure, we can joke about the different stories that make someone a good candidate, but to actually feel remorse you didn’t lie to get into a university… Would you lie about your parents dying as a “sob story” on a college essay? Didn’t think so. It is because of people like you that misinformation and stereotypes are perpetuated.</p>

<p>I’m not too sure … but you seem to be perpetuating a stereotype of temper and oversensitive “disgust.”</p>

<p>I thought about this because all of my gay friends got into HYPSMetc (yeah, every last one)</p>

<p>but in the end, I didn’t. and I’m going to Penn.</p>

<p>Many gay students would not dare mention their sexual orientation on their college application let alone any written document; they have parents who would literally kick them out of the house if they found out they were gay.</p>

<p>[Morals</a> - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Morals]Morals”>http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Morals)</p>

<p>Also see: [■■■■■</a> - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/■■■■■#Trolls_Today]■■■■■”>http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/■■■■■#Trolls_Today)</p>

<p>My friend has a house in South Africa that her family has been going to each summer since she was born. She marked herself down on her application as African. She’s in CAS now</p>

<p>^^ nothing new. Heard a white kid whose father was a diplomat in S. Africa got into Harvard as an international, African-American student.</p>