<p>I bought Gears of War on XBOX360 from a seller. Once I received it, I got the "cannot read error disc".</p>
<p>I obviously received a bogus disc, but the seller won't give me a refund.</p>
<p>Anything I can possibly do?</p>
<p>I bought Gears of War on XBOX360 from a seller. Once I received it, I got the "cannot read error disc".</p>
<p>I obviously received a bogus disc, but the seller won't give me a refund.</p>
<p>Anything I can possibly do?</p>
<p>well, Tell Him or show him that the disc isn't working and its bogus....he has to give it back no matter what....If it isn't working that means its a technological malfunction! Make sure there aren't any scratches though or else then its considered your fault no matter how early you got it. </p>
<p>Thats what happened to me with my I-pod Video......When I bought it from Circuit city it was freezing when I plugged it in my PC. I returned it the next day and they switched it. I don't play when it comes to my green paper.....even though I can replace it in the blink of an eye but still......you already know</p>
<p>Yeah, show the seller that the disc isn't working and he'll probably have to refund or replace it.</p>