EC towards MCA

So my S plays varsity baseball and puts in about 12-15 hours per week from Oct-April. Trying to figure out how many points he earned for MCA. Thanks!

Also he applied for Elec Eng,whats the avg MCA?

Check this thread for EE MCA points:

Target 4700 MCA for most Engineering majors.

EC Points by hours/week: 0/0, 1-5/30, 6-10/60, 11-15/90, 16-20/120, 21+/150.

Divide total hours from Oct-April by 52 weeks to get the bonus points.

“Divide total hours from Oct-April by 52 weeks to get the bonus points”

Assuming he does not do any other ECs. If he does, they need to be figured in too.

@gumbymom @eyemgh thanks! He does do other but bulk is baseball.
FYI he has a 36 ACT and capped 4.2 GPA

Remember, CP only uses Math and English ACT scores.

There were 4 EE MCAs posted last year on the Final Status thread. They ranged from mid 4600 to mid 4700. No one knows what the floor is because its such a small sample size. He should be fine though with that SAT and GPA assuming he took at least Calc AB. Read the application carefully. Put the appropriate middle school classes in.

wish him luck.