<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>Well, I have volunteered a significant amount of time with the Red Cross. However, the Red Cross did not put me into their system during my Freshman and Sophomore years, thus they have about half my hours in their system. Additionally, I applied to Yale SCEA and missed a call from the Red Cross last wed. (they left no message). This is a bit strange as they nvr call me during the winter (I only work during the summer). So, with Yale's decision release coming closer, do you think the Red Cross was calling to tell me that they thought I exaggerated on my hours when in reality they just didnt have all my hours in their system? My GC was not contacted, so would Yale normally try to contact me or my GC to get my point of view b4 they trashed my app? Sorry, I am really stressing out right now, so any feedback is appreciated!!!</p>