
<p>So... how many people have read (or are reading) Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer? What do you think of it so far?</p>

<p>I'm really mad at Jacob for being so arrogant. GAH. But I thought that Alice was really amusing in Eclipse...Especially the chess part. And the Battle Hymn of the Republic part.</p>

<p>Oh yeah. I really like the Edward/Alice chess part. Yeah, I liked Alice a lot better in Eclipse, but Edward was a little sappy, and Jacob was kind of annoying. Especially when there was a 4-page kissing scene between Jacob and Bella.</p>

<p>That was 4 pages? Wow...</p>

<p>Almost, I think. Probably at least 3.</p>

<p>I liked hearing Jasper's and Rosalie's stories.</p>

<p>Yeah, me too. Eclipse gives a lot more information on the Cullens. Why did Jasper take Rosalie's last name?</p>

<p>People thought that they looked like twins, so the Cullens just accepted that. Go to the lexicon and look at the PC's.</p>

<p>Oh. Thanks. :)</p>

<p>Haha, we're totally monopolizing this thread...</p>

<p>Good point, bubbly.... :)</p>

<p>/* Hahahaha... invisible post? */</p>

<p>Too bad.</p>

<p>Let's try again....</p>

<p>/<em>Invisible post?</em>/</p>

<p>Oh well.</p>

<p>/<em>I feel cool.</em>/</p>

<p>I guess it doesn't work.....</p>