<p>I have been debating whether to taken econ 001 then 002 or just econ 10. I read that if you get below an A- in econ 10, you can't major or minor in econ. I was considered either a dual degree or minor in math or econ. So should I take 1 and then 2 or is econ 10 something "special" I should take? What is the real difference?</p>
<p>Econ 010 is for Wharton students. It combines both micro and macro into a single semester, since Wharton students get more micro in BPUB 250 and more macro in FNCE 101. </p>
<p>If you’re considering studing Econ in the college, stick with 001 and 002. It’ll better prepare you in the long run.</p>
<p>bump 10 char</p>
<p>econ 10 is for wharton students only. it does not cover everything that is in econ 001 and 002</p>
<p>yes, i know that but is it harder? a good idea to take in i am in wharton? etc</p>
<p>If you are in Wharton it’s pretty useless to get a dual or minor with econ because your degree is a BS in Econ. If you really want to take upper level econ courses though, I’d suggest working really hard in econ 10. One thing you can do is self study the AP Micro exam to get out of econ 1 and then take econ 2 your first semester instead of econ 10.</p>
<p>but isnt the College econ different from the Wharton econ? Since the former is BA (assuming it’s major not minor) and the latter is Bachelor of Science?</p>
<p>econ 10 is just one specific econ class offered to wharton students (its 1 semester and includes both micro and macro so its 1 semester shorter then econ 1 and 2).
i was just wondering what the benefits/problems were with the class</p>
<p>hey guys, I’m a prospective economics major. I’m currently taking AP Micro and am planning on waiving out of Econ 001. At my school, AP Micro is a one year course unlike the typical one sem/micro, one sem/macro… We just covered most of the AP Micro stuff we need for the exam first sem already… I’m debating if I should study by myself for AP Macro and waive out of Econ 002… What do you guys think? Is Econ 002 worth taking at Penn or would it be better just to self-study for the AP exam and waive it? I’m perplexed… help me! Right now I’m leaning on just taking Econ 002 at Penn so then I’m exactly on par with everything I should know for intro Econ at Penn…ahh but IDK.</p>
<p>Also, just another question for Calculus… I’m currently taking Calculus AB… since Penn doesn’t give credit for it, is it ok if we don’t take the AP exam for Calc AB since it would be pretty much worthless?</p>