econ/finance vs engineering

I am struggling on which path to choose, i LOVE math and im sure these 2 subjects (if you will) use it a lot as a language. My main concern is, will econ/finance revolve around mathematics at higher levels? I am frightened that it will be more writing and policies ect… On the other hand engineering seems more suitable but i have yet to take any advanced physics. I am about to take calc 2 so need to decide before semester starts, any tips and insight on majors will be very helpful thanks PS gpa 3.7 A’s on all math related subjects

Hm…I’m currently an Applied Mathematics and Business double major with a concentration in finance. I have not pursued engineering at all so I won’t be able to give you advice for that.

First of all, you have to decide what career you want to take and what job field you are looking for. If you are a freshman don’t worry about since you still have a year or so to think about what you want to major in.

Now I don’t want to scare you however calc 2 is basic and should be an easy A if you are thinking of becoming a math major. You will be taking abstract math that is honestly sometimes hard for me to comprehend (I thought math was easy up till linear algebra so you get my drift). On the other hand, if you are thinking of pursuing an econ/finance major the most you will need is going to be calc 2 since the hardest things you will do is derivatives and I’m sure you covered that already. Unless you want to become a quant analyst which in that case you will have to know more applied mathematics.

So yeah hope that helps if you are looking to be a math major just so that it helps with econ/finance I wouldn’t, I would just stick with becoming an econ/finance major.

You should definitely take Calculus 2 no matter what. Go talk with engineering majors and see if what they study appeals to you. If you don’t really like engineering you should not take it as a major. Applied mathematics is another fine alternative to economics/finance if you decide that is not your path.