Economics at Columbia

<p>Hi, I want to study economics at Columbia I had a couple questions for someone who was familiar with Colubmia's Economics program or a student in the program.
1) What are the freshman classes that are required?
2) if you don't know, is there a place on their website where they would say a sample curriculum?

<p>first semester froshie year is principles of econ for most ppl. here’s the site that explains it all:
[Economics</a> | Columbia College](<a href=“]Economics”></p>

<p>thanks mets! and another question, does Columbia want (or require) Calculus?</p>

<p>If you’re an econ major, you have to take Calc I and III. If you have 5 on the BC test, you can just start out with Calc III and get credit for Calc I after you complete the course.</p>

<p>Note: You can actually go directly from Calc I to Calc III without taking Calc II, as that course is not required for economics majors.</p>

<p>The FAQ page in the economics department is incredibly detailed and professors always ask you to go there first before asking them questions. This should tell you everything!
[Columbia</a> University - Economics](<a href=“]Columbia”></p>

<p>i meant, want or require calculus for admission</p>

<p>They definitely don’t require calculus for admission, think of what would happen to all the mathematically-challenged liberal arts majors if we did (not that all liberal arts majors are mathematically challenged lol). As for want, I guess it looks good to have it, just like it looks good to have any other AP, and I think calculus is one of the most commonly taken/popular AP’s, but you can definitely live without it.</p>