Economics at Dietrich

Hi guys!

I might attend CMU and I plan to major in economics in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

I know that when I declare my major as economics at the second semester of my freshman year, I become a student for both Dietrich College and Tepper School.

I have two simple questions:

  1. If I become a student of both Dietrich and Tepper, from which school will I be graduating four years later?

  2. How is the general reputation of majoring in economics at CMU? I just have a bad feeling that economics at CMU might be overlooked since it is especially known for computer science, engineering, etc…

(I was also invited to join either Science and Humanities Social program (SHS) or Quantitative Social Sciences Scholars program (QSSS).)

Thanks for your help!

  1. Regardless of which one of the seven colleges/schools serves as your administrative home, you graduate from and receive your degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Your school of affiliation does not show up on your degree. (Your school of affiliation does determine the GenEd requirements you’d have to fulfill though – check the Undergraduate Catalog for requirements for Econ majors. I think they follow Dietrich’s requirements but don’t quote me on that.)

  2. No clue about the reputation of economics majors. But you can do cool things like a combined major in Econ & Statistics, or Econ & Mathematics. Plus I know many people from Econ/Econ-Stat have gotten internships/jobs at great places.