<p>I was wondering how you think competitions like Science Olympiad and Mock Trial are viewed by colleges? Are they prestigious competitions? If not what kind of competitions besides Intel and Siemens Westinhouse are viewed as upper-tier academic contests?</p>
<p>i don't have the authority to offer u anything concrete, just my general view of what i think should be the case.. so take note and dno't quote me</p>
<p>i think that both SO and mock trial are prestigious once you take it out to a level. i don't think a regionals medal (and whatever the equivalent of that in mock trial happens to be) is that prestigious, but once you get to states and especially nationals, a medal can be a great example of your dedication to the club.</p>
<p>then again, i can't really tell.. is it that national medal winners get in because they have medals or because they're bound to get in to good places anyway? </p>
<p>pm me if u want to talk more about olympiad, cause i do it too..</p>