<p>Hey everyone! I'm new on college confidential, but I need some help! I'm currently a junior, and I'm really interested in applying to some combined BA/MD 7-yr programs next year (specifically TCNJ/UMDNJ & Northwestern's). I feel like my SAT and high school GPA gives me a shot, but at this point I don't have any extra-cirriculars directly related to the medical field.</p>
<p>So, for the Northern New Jersey Area, what are some programs/internships I can attend that will show my interest in medicine, for these combined programs? I would appreciate the help, since I really want a good chance at the combined programs! :)</p>
<p>Anyone? Help please :)</p>
<p>Generally, students get the following - EMT certificate, research in one of the Summers, and about 200 hrs hospital volunteering.</p>
<p>Check out my old posts on TCNJ 7 year med program.</p>
<p>I am a bit surprised that you are looking for ECs so late in the game though… especially if you are nearly finished with your junior year. It’s way too late to start now.</p>
<p>Thanks for your advice! I have a bunch of ECs for science & non-science, but not really directly related to medicine unfortunately
I just didn’t know about these programs until I started researching about colleges.</p>
<p>Still, if you don’t mind answering, any advice on how to get a research opportunity/shadowing a doctor over the summer? I may be able to squeeze one over the summer, and if not, it would at least help out my younger brother who wants to become a doctor/surgeon.
Thank you so much!</p>
<p>You gotta do your own research and seek people out. It might be worth approaching the seniors at your school for some pointers relevant to your school district.</p>