<p>Hey, this is sort of a pseudo-chances thread.</p>
<p>About two years ago I began working on this business. Now, as the company grows, I am noticing increasingly less hours in the day. Consequently, I have less time / motivation to do the busywork in school, and my grades are dropping a bit. This upcoming semester, I was thinking about dropping two classes, possibly spanish and english, and picking up indepednent study business instead. This option would give me a lot more time. How do you think this would look for me as an applicant next year? (I'm a junior now.)</p>
<p>i dont think that is a good idea, even though harvard likes buisness, dropping school for it is not a good way to impress them. remeber grades then ec's (in this case buisness.)</p>
<p>Yea, thats what I was thinking. Other than that, my transcript is decent, and my test scores are high. You think that dropping those two classes will really hurt me?</p>
<p>Yes. </p>
<p>Languages are recommended, but you simply cannot drop English. Having a business is great, but you need English. Don't you need it to graduate, anyway?</p>
<p>yea, i was just going to double up next year but w/e. i'll just stick it out. no big deal</p>
<p>I have a question:</p>
<p>Would Harvard hold it against me if I had schedule conflicts (I.E. a certain math class is held during 1st block, the same time as Spanish V which I'm required to take since I took IV[messed up], so I had to take a lower level math course in another block)? I hope not. I'm going to ask my GC to explain it in her mid-year report. I also had to drop orch for it :(. GD graduation requirements.</p>