Hi, I was wondering - for mostly top universities, does it matter how long you’ve participated in those ECs? What if, majority of my majority accomplishments, happened only a few months before I sent off my college application? I’ve seen a lot of people having participated in those ECs for years. If it is, the fact that I was sick most of my teenage years, can that be excused?
Sorry if that was awfully worded, I am quiet tired.
Depends on the school. I had some weird grades, so I was hoping for my ECs to make up for them. Some schools looked at my academics only, and didn’t really care about my ECs. Some schools said I was really active, which was good, thus me being accepted. Just try your best at any school you want, and just show them all you’ve got to show.
If there was something going on in your life that didn’t allow to participate in things fully then you might want to write about that, and make sure to let them know that when you were well you made up for it with a vengeance. Everyone likes “the comeback kid”.
Thank you for your answers! Informative