<p>Hi, </p>
<p>I've only lived in NC for a year and half so I don't know much about these schools. I'm between ECU and UNCG but I can't seem to make a decision. I want to go to a college that has a good Business program. Does anyone know about the business programs of these two schools. If not, give me some info on both schools that could help me in my decision.</p>
<p>I’ve lived in NC for a few years, but honestly I don’t know much about any of the schools other than UNCC.
From what I’ve heard about ECU it’s pretty much considered a party school. I haven’t heard much about any of their programs other than nursing or teaching.
I’ve heard even less about UNCG, other than that it’s at greensboro.
I know that UNCC has a decent business program and a decent presence/reputation in the charlotte area. </p>
<p>If you want to get the best business degree out of these schools, I would pick UNCC. I feel like the academics will be tougher there, but they’ll also leave you better prepared. As far as size/costs all three schools are about the same, unless you’ve gotten some pretty different financial aid packages.</p>
<p>I would recommend UNCC over UNCG and ECU, unless you don’t like the Charlotte area. I think it has the strongest reputation of the three schools. UNCG would be my second choice in your shoes. ECU does have a party school reputation. </p>
<p>Have you visited all three campuses? Will your costs be comparable at all three? Good luck in your decision.</p>
<p>If you want to major in business, I would recommend UNCC. Its business program is strong and the proximity to Charlotte will help you get internships. If you are really set on either ECU or UNCG though, I would think that ECU would be your better option. I know that ECU’s business program is pretty decent. UNCG, on the other hand, is known more for its liberal arts programs. I haven’t heard a single thing about UNCG’s business program and I don’t think it’s particularly well-known in general.</p>
<p>As far as other aspects of the schools go, ECU is much larger than UNCG and athletics at ECU are a very important part of the school experience. If you follow athletics, the advantage definitely goes to ECU. ECU is known as a bit of a party school, but there are plenty of mature and devoted students there as well. ECU is located in Greenville, a pretty small city without much to do around town. If you like a more urban environment, the advantage definitely goes to UNCG. ECU is also much closer to the beach (a little over an hour’s drive) than UNCG. So, if you want the occasional beach getaway, ECU would be better for that. </p>
<p>Getting to the student bodies, both schools have more female students than male students. But the disparity is larger at UNCG. There is a stereotype at UNCG that much of its male student population is gay. I have no idea if this is at all grounded in reality. UNCG is known for being a more liberal university, while ECU is more conservative than most universities. But I haven’t heard of any politically-charged discrimination at either university, so I wouldn’t let political beliefs discourage you from attending either school.</p>
<p>If you want to go to a school with more brand recognition, ECU is the way to go. Because of its larger size and bigger sports teams, ECU is more well-known than UNCG on a state and even national level. If you want a smaller more intimate environment, I’d take UNCG.</p>
<p>I hope this description of the schools was informative enough to help you arrive at a conclusion. As I said before though, don’t rule out UNCC just yet. It’s a school with a nice campus and a strong business program, and it’s in a good location. Good luck in making your decision.</p>
<p>I live about 10 minutes from UNCC and its pretty nice. The “surrounding” area is okay, and by that I mean the immediate area. Go much father and you start getting into bad parts of town. Besides NCSU, UNC-CH, and Duke, UNCC is probably the best university in NC. (Somebody correct me if I’m missing an obvious school here)</p>
<p>I’ve lived in Mecklenburg County for 30 years. Moreover,I attended both ECU and UNCC. Graduated fr. UNCC. I would choose ECU over UNCC. </p>
<p>My oldest S grad. from NCSU. My youngest S graduated from ECU last year. He loved ECU. Neither of my kids would have considered going to UNCC. ECU has so much more tradition/history/real college feel. The business dept. is prob. the largest major at ECU. Football game days are awesome. There is nothing like sitting in the stands with 50,000 people cheering for the Pirates. The entire end zone(the Boneyard) is just for students. The campus is pretty. The whole city of Greenville supports the university…even fire trucks are purple/gold. ECU has it’s own free bus system for students. You can walk/bike to places off campus or take a bus to get to shopping centers. There is a Chili’s,Subway and two Chik-fil-a’s and more on campus in addition to two big dining halls…free movies in the student center, a bowling alley and an awesome student rec. center, a great baseball stadium and all kinds of clubs you could join… </p>
<p>Yes, there is partying at ECU. We know kids at schools all over NC. They party at every sch.<br>
You don’t have to be involved if you aren’t into that. Yes, there is crime. No getting away from that. It happens at every city/univerisity. The campus is safe (has a bluelight system, safe ride, and it’s own campus police). One of S’s roommates at ECU started out at UNCC and transferred to ECU. S knew several other kids who did the same. Once you are a Pirate, you’re a Pirate for Life.
If you haven’t visited I urge you to take a tour.</p>
<p>UNCC is an afterthought in Charlotte. It’s gets no more recognition from Charlotteans than the Community College. Charlotte is so big and UNCC is over on the northeast side. I would venture to say that many Charlotte residents have never even seen UNCC. You don’t see a lot of city residents walking around wearing UNCC gear.
They are starting a football team this year so maybe that will help.
The campus is nice with lots of new buildings but it is completely surrounded by busy four lane highways. There’s no walking to coffee shops/ bookstores/restaurants/bars. It’s almost like being in a really nice business park where everyone is under 25.
UNCC doesn’t have a student bus system either. Have to pay to ride the city bus, although I think there is some sort of discount student pass available.
My friend’s S had his car stolen while attending a UNCC party. There is partying everywhere. S’s friend (a girl) had her apt. broken into twice. </p>
<p>UNCC just doesn’t have that quinessential college feel/tradition. No rah,rah sports and lots of commuters.<br>
Of course if none of that matters to you, it’s not a big deal. You can get a good education at UNCC. It just lacks a lot of the intangibles that make a college experience special in my opinion.</p>
<p>@autoexec: What about Wake Forest, Davidson, Appalachian State, and UNC-Wilmington?</p>
<p>demikelly95… Your post title listed 3 schools but in your first line you mentioned only two. If your choice is between UNCG and ECU just skip the part of my post re: UNCC
Would choose ECU over UNCG also.</p>
<p>Wake is good. Davidson is too. App state is a party school and not that hard to get into. Kind of like ECU. I don’t know much about UNC-W</p>
<p>ECU and APP are party schools, with lots of problems. I would definitely go with a UNC school. I am a huge fan of UNC-Asheville it’s more a liberal arts education but you cannot beat asheville the town…my S’s friends are really happy at UNCC, UNCG is a bigger school with more relaxed admission…UNC W is another hidden gem. The beauty is you can move after a year if needed within the system. </p>
<p>An offshoot, High Point is getting some good buzz these days…</p>
<p>UNC-Greensboro at 18,000 students/14,000 undergrads is not bigger than UNC-Charlotte at 26,000 students with 21,000 undergrads. UNCC is 4th largest in the UNC system.</p>
You’re going to college! It’s time to take some initiative. You can go to the website of each of these colleges and learn about their programs. Then when you have specific questions, come back.</p>
<p>ECU has a great business program! It is a party school but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad school. The food and community is great. There’s also a great sports program. I believe ECU’s Business School is #1 in the state and pretty high in the nation.</p>
<p>I would say to tour the schools and if you can’t, ask actual students. A lot of people here have opinions but barley any experience with either school. They’re just repeating what they’ve heard. Any school is a party school is you CHOOSE to party. ECU does have kids that choose to party like any school but their academics are not a joke. You can’t just bs your way through the classes. You’ll find plenty of motivated students there. The school is the second largest in the state, of course it’s gonna have some parties. That’s a part of college.
UNCG is the lowest of the three.
UNCC is a good school. The location is great for a business major, plenty of internships, diversity, fun night life, pretty campus, nice weather, etc. if you’re going for business, UNCC tips the scale over ECU. Any other major, ECU wins</p>
<p>UNCC wait listed me. For what?.. Im not sure. But i may not find out until May 15 which is past the point where I can accept admissions from other universities. I chose ECU and sent in my 100 deposit, however, If Charlotte does accept me, i may go there instead and just forget the 100. UNCC does have a great business program, but I also want the school spirit and to minor in drama. So idk. Ultimately, I do feel like I will find my way! Thank EVERYONE for the responses! It really helped me. :)</p>
<p>I’ve lived in NC all my life, and yes if UNC-C takes you, which I would be willing to bet would happen, as a lot of students, like myself, applied to Charlotte as their in state school to test the financial waters. It is a wonderful campus though, and I would highly recommend it over ECU. I think you made the right choice for what you had to go with however</p>
<p>ECU seems like the school for you. They’ve got much higher school spirit and their fine arts department is great. Sandra Bullock and Emily Proctor both went to east carolina for acting. The business school at ECU is not bad at all either. I think it’s actually a good thing that UNCC wait listed you as ECU probably is a better fit for you.</p>
<p>As a UNCG student who transferred in from UNC-CH so I could be a little closer to my family, I can vouch for my school. I’ve seen a lot of people bashing the business school ( I’m a Econ/Spanish double major). I would put our business school on par with Charlotte’s and behind State and UNC’s for best in the state. A lot of my professors have grad degrees from Wake, UNC, and UVA just to name a few…these people know what they’re doing. Our B-School has plenty of connections in the Piedmont-Triad, similar to UNCC in the Charlotte area, so it all boils down to where you would rather work. One plus about UNCG is the school’s size. I’ve received one on one advising every semester since I arrived. The only con with UNCG is school spirit. There isn’t any. Not having a football team kills us. Our basketball team plays in the GSO Coliseum but we never draw a crowd unless we play Duke, UNC, State or another ACC school. However, to answer the original question…UNCG and UNCC are basically “sister schools”. Both are better than ECU. These are actually my 3 choices for grad school…so I’ve done a bit of research into the graduate econ programs at all three as well.</p>