ED 2 and Regular Decision.

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>Okay, unrelated to this chance thread, but a point of clarification</p>



<p>Technically, “third world” is no more or less derogatory than the term “less developed”. And in truth it only coincidentally means a similar group of nations.</p>

<p>It is, however, an archaic term - primarily used during the Cold War era. Third world orginally meant any nation that was not aligned with either Western Capitalism (USA, most of western Europe), or Communism (Soviet Union).</p>

<p>Now there is significant overlap between most countries formerly designated “third world”, and now designated “developing”. But it is not an exact one-to-one correspondence.</p>

<p>You have a good shot at most of these colleges. As long as you get a decent SAT (try for 2000+) and write an amazing essay, you should be fine. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks :slight_smile:
Gosh, the very thought of taking the SAT scares me!</p>

<p>Anyone else? I’ll chance back :)</p>

<p>Does anyone have any information about the Theatre program at Middlebury College? I am about to change my status to ED2, but am a little apprehensive as they do not offer a “Screen Acting” course (and this is what I mainly intend to do/learn).</p>

<p>Would Occidental College be a better choice (though they do not have an ED2 option)?</p>

<p>Any suggestions?</p>

<p>You are applying to tons of colleges, but you have pretty good stats. Im going to tell you, it will be hard for you to get aid as an international.</p>

<p>I know Union very well- I live by there and do programs on their campus, so I can chance you. </p>

<p>Union College (New York)- Match- but it will be hard to get aid. They have quite a bit of international students and are trying to diversify the campus. </p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/838448-chance-urm-aa-male.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/838448-chance-urm-aa-male.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>as a fellow international needing LOTS of aid, i think you should apply to some of the need blind schools. you have good stats, decent ECs and writing should help the essays</p>

<p>So - Harvard, Yale, Williams, Dartmouth, Amherst, Princeton</p>

<p>all of them (except princeton) are reasonably painless to apply to and your slim chance (no offense, everyone has a slim chance) is offset by the fact that money will not be a factor.</p>

<p>PS. yes i’m serious</p>

<p>Well, the only problem is the fact that I don’t have time to take the SAT subject tests.
The only need-blind school I have applied to is Middlebury College. I might actually change my status from RD to ED2 for Middlebury, but I am a little apprehensive as they do not offer a “Screen Acting” course as part of the Theatre program.</p>

<p>Middlebury might be a low reach and Vanderbilt might be a mid reach. I do believe you can make it into the rest considering you do well on your SATs.
please chance back: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/837690-big-dreams-but-will-i-make.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/837690-big-dreams-but-will-i-make.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;