ED acceptees: mid year reports need to be sent?

<p>yeah, jsut to clarify this. say you're accepted ED, do you still need to submit a mid year report?</p>

<p>I'm going to say yes on that since my counselor sent mine a day ago. But if one of us would like to email Admissions and get a verdict...</p>

<p>hmm did yours already include the 2nd marking period? cuz i was gonna wait for my 2nd marking period to end before i sent it, but i dunno if it matters? is just the 1st marking period ok?</p>

<p>well my school has trimesters, so I can't wait for tri 2. I'm guessing tri 1 is fine though.</p>

<p>we don't even have marking periods etc? all we get is the gcse (pblic exams taken at end of sophomore year) , AS Level (ditto end of junior) and predicted A level results for june.</p>

<p>Mid year reports have to be sent even for ED acceptees, it has to be postmarked no later than February 1st(or as soon as mid year grades are available).</p>

<p>what if your school runs on terms instead of semesters?</p>

<p>You silly Canadian with your alternate grading system. Talk to the admissions office if you have no idea what to do, but don't stress out too much. For us all the midyear report needs to do is demonstrate that we haven't completely fallen apart.</p>

<p>lol our grading system is not the confusing part.. the real confusing part is every time i send my transcript I have to do 2 copies, one for my school grades and one for my IB grades.. wonder how admission office evaluates them lol. (espcially when you have very different ib grades and class grades...)</p>