ED application materials missing??


<p>I just received my Wellesley confirmation email. However I have a few components missing. The problem is that these missing components such as teacher recommendations are submitted on the commonapp website. My Midyear/Trimester Grades and high school transcripts are also missing, though my counselor finished the secondary school record. Isn't the Midyear/Trimester Grades only due in January? I know that I am panicking but I guess I'm just anxious...</p>

<p>They might just take longer to process some other items. One of my teacher recs is shown to be missing but when I talked to them, they just said it'll probably show up in a few days.
Try waiting for a while then call them if more items are still missing.</p>

<p>yeah i got that too...
they say my midyear report and sat report are missing and they said
the missing items have to be in before Nov 19.</p>

<p>but, i thought midyear report is due later and sat report comes from college board which i think will send it later than Nov 19.</p>

<p>is that a problem?</p>

<p>Quick question...my AP exams aren't listed on the online materials checklist, does that mean Wellesley hasn't received them, or are they not listed because they aren't strictly required?</p>

<p>I also thought Midyear/trimester grades were due sometime in January ...
on mine, under the requirements section, it doesnt list the midyear/trimester grades at all
it just says at the top in bold to submit first quarter grades (or a preliminary report on first trimester/semester grades) by dec 1.</p>

<p>and i dont think AP exams would be on there because you self-reported it on common app.</p>

<p>Yeah mine does not list the midyear/trimester grades either (it just says HS Transcript on the requirements list)..... I think we just have to send our mid year report by dec. 1. </p>

<p>Quick question! if all the dates are shown for requirements and it says standardized testing requirements are complete, it means my application is complete, right?
I just wanted to double check...</p>

<p>Just wanted to know if anyone else have not have their school forms downloaded. My school counselor finally submitted everything, but the college has not downloaded it yet. My school counselor also left out my class rank, which sucks as I heard that they care a lot about class rank given that my results are bad on paper but comparatively good in my class. (I rank 4th). It is so aggravating</p>

<p>I took the ACT in October as a standby so my scores aren't out yet. However, I know Wellesley said they needed everything by November 19th or my application won't be read and on Friday, someone from admissions called to ask me about my scores. Since I haven't taken any other standardized tests, I have no scores to send them and I'm pretty sure my ACT score won't be ready before the 19th. Does this mean my application won't be read for ED?</p>

<p>yeah i have similar situation. Wellesley said that they would take November SAT score, but the score report comes out on Nov 20, so i am not sure what to do...
I am pretty sure Wellesley would take it, but not 100 percent</p>

<p>If they say they take it in the official materials, then they take it.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when ED applications are read?</p>

<p>The first week of December!!</p>

<p>Oh! I meant that they are reading it now, but the readers will sit down with the dean of admission in the first week of December to decided which ones to accept… I hope that I will be one of the people that they will decide to accept! And you too! ^_^</p>