<p>Can someone chance me for Early Decision Johns Hopkins!</p>
<p>My major will be computer science</p>
<p>GPA: 3.9
SAT: 740 math 600 writing 540 CR
Act: 28
Math 1: 690
Math2: 760
Bio: 620</p>
Principals List: 9th-11th
First Honors: 9th-11th
Perfect Attendance Award: 9th, 11th
National Honor Society: 11th-12th
Spanish National Honor Society: 11th-12th
Rensselaer Medal: 11th
All Academic Varsity Swimming: 9th-10th
All Academic Varsity Softball: 11th
Softball Varsity Letter: 11th
Swimming Varsity Letter: 9th-10th
Varsity Swimming Sportsmanship Award: 9th
St. Johns University Women Excellence in Science: 9th-11th
Long Island Language Teachers Poster Contest Honorary Mention: 11th
Top Score in Math Club: 10th
Catholic High School Honor Band: 9th</p>
<p>Extracurricular/Service Activities
Math Club: 9th-12th
Band: 9th-12th
Leaders Club (academic average based; student service group; open to 10th thru 12th graders): 10th-11th
Volunteer Open House: 9th-11th
Volunteer Freshman Orientation: 10th-12th
Volunteer Office Duty: 10th-12th
Tutor students in Math through National Honor Society: 11th-12th
Volunteer to work score board at sports games: 10th-11th
Spirit Week: 9th-12th
Quiz Bowl: 11-12th
Mercy Action (Service Club): 9th</p>
Sport Night Team Captain: 12th (Only open to 12th graders)
JV Softball Team Captain: 9th
Math Club Vice President: 9th</p>
Varsity Swimming: 9th -10th
Varsity Softball: 11th
JV Softball: 9-10th
Sports Night: 9-12th
Plainedge Girls Softball Association (town softball team): 9th-11th</p>
Lector: 9th-12th
Alter Server: 9th-12th
Eucharistic Minister: 12th
Babysitter: 9th-12th
NuHealth Maternity Ward: 11th-12th</p>
<p>Summer Programs
National Student Leadership Conference: Summer of 2008</p>
Party City</p>
<p>Letters of Rec.
Math teacher: great
English teacher: great
Guidance councilor: great</p>
<p>Essay: great</p>
<p>Honors Classes:
AP Calc-pending score
AP government-pending score
College Writing 1 and 2
AP Stat-pending score
Honors Chem
Honors Physics
Math b honors
Pre calc honors</p>
<p>With AP Stat, It technically is just a statistics class (my elective). But I decided that I wanted to take the AP Stat test at the end of the year. I meet with my teacher a few times a week to learn the new material for the ap test. I think this helps my chances because not may people so this!! </p>
<p>Do you think I have a half way decent chance?? I know my chances are a little lower because of my sat. But I hope that my extracurriculars counter-act that.</p>