!ED! CHANCES FOR VANDY.. input plz

<p>im applying ed 1 and just looking for opinion on chance i make it in my dream school</p>

<p>General: White Male, high income family, non-legacy
School: 150 per class... public... in small, university town
Rank: Top 10%
GPA: 3.8(UW), 97% cumulative avg
ACT: 30........31 super(not that it matters)
Residence: ex-nashvillian, now living in rural west tennessee
MoI: Pre-Law, Poli Sci
APs: 2 of 2 offered at my high school, no ap tests offered
Courses: All top courses at my high school
ECS: 3 sports in high school, all district and all region '06 '07 '08 in tennis
Multiple leadership roles in various clubs, wont bore anyone w/ details
American Legion Boys' State: Elected County Executive to one of the four "Counties,"
Won city elction, party primary, and county wide election to do so, also nominated for governor in the "Jacksonian Party"..... gruesome details due to the fact that this experience is my essay topic
Recs: Good to Excellent... Small school=Close ties to the teachers
Comm Service: Avg compared to most of the people on these threads, also active member of church youth group
WORK EXP: Been serving as clerk/messenger at law firm since i turned sixteen, also manual labor as farm hand, welcome to rural america lol</p>

<p>input is greatly appreciated..... !!!!!!!!!BTW GO DORES 5-0!!!!!!!!!!!!..(only vandy fan in a UT dominated school so i will savor tomorrow at school) lol</p>

<p>yo, i think you got a great chance, especially for early admission. can you chance me? thanks.</p>

<p>thanks for input.. BUMP</p>

<p>good chance i'd say. ACT is weak though</p>

<p>thanks for opinion modernchem..yeah i feel pretty borderline with 30 act..hoping e.d. and top 10% and well-roundedness will push me up...any1 else?</p>

<p>I have pretty similar stats to you and I am also hoping for ED 1. Don't feel bad about your test scores. I am 6/250 with a 30 ACT & lots of extracurricular leadership & sport accomplishments ( 3 sports as well). I take pretty much the hardest levels of classes at my school. They said one of the most important things was the rigor of your course load in high school so I think I have that going very well for me. Test scores, on the other hand, not so much.</p>

<p>Ah well good luck to you, i see you feel the borderline pain as well lol. Any one else willing to chance?</p>

<p>I just submitted my app for ed1!! BUMPP</p>

<p>BUMPPPPPPP any1 have an opinion?</p>

<p>Try not to think about this for another few weeks. This board will be ripe with threads of angst about when ED decisions will be made, if students have a chance, etc. by the first week in December. Enjoy these next few weeks - there will still be plenty of time for you to be a nervous wreck later!
BTW, believe the admissions office when they tell you decisions will be mailed on Dec. 15th and that they won't tell you on the phone before Dec. 20th or so. Phone calls to the admissions office will be answered by student workers and clerical staff who have no input in the process, so contacting them won't hurry your decision or reveal any insight as to your decision.</p>

<p>thanks VU, very good adviceā€¦ trying not to be to anxious til mid december but it seems unavoidable lol</p>