ED Chances?

<p>Hey everyone! I plan to apply ED to Wes, and I was wondering what you all thought my chances are at getting in.</p>

<p>I, a white male senior, go to a good public school in central NJ.</p>

-Unweighted, overall: 91.24
-Weighted, overall: 96.09
-Junior, unweighted: 93.06 (with certain straining circumstances; it could have been 94-95)
My grades have improved ~1.5-2% per year.
(School weights CP at 1.05, H at 1.1, and AP at 1.15%)</p>

<p>SAT: 2080 combined (Taken Twice)
Reading - 670
Math - 680
Writing - 730
SAT II: (Taken Once)
Bio E - 700
Chemistry - 700
Math II - 710</p>

<p>Classes (note that all spanish is cp in my school until spanish 5 ap):
Freshman - Geophysical Science H, Geometry H, English 1 CP, World History CP, Spanish 2 CP, gym, Digital Photo, Web Page Design
Sophomore - Biology H, Algebra 2 H, English 2 CP, US History 1 CP, Spanish 3 CP, gym, video and film, basic foods
Junior - Chemistry H, Math Analysis/Pre-Calculus H, English 3 CP, US History 2 CP, Spanish 4 CP, gym, Advanced Video and Film
Senior - AP Spanish 5, AP Psychology, English 4 H, AP Calculus AB, Physics H, gym, and an independent study for screenwriting/film
So far, I have ~98 in Physics and Calculus, ~93 in AP Psych (although this should rise, as I have learned that many of those points were lost due to "formatting" >.<), and ~88 in AP Spanish. As you may tell, Spanish is my weakest subject. But I think I will be able to maintain my absurd grade in Physics and Calculus with ease.</p>

Frosh: Boy Scouts
Soph: Boy Scouts (Patrol Leader), Rugby, Video and Film club
Junior: FBLA, Boy Scouts (Senior Patrol Leader), Video and Film Club, Interact, Math Team
Senior: FBLA, Boy Scouts (Senior Patrol Leader), Video and Film Club (President), Interact (Fundraising commitee, project coordinator). I may continue with the Math Team, and I want to do Rugby again, but I don't know if I will have time for it.
I should probably be in NHS this year. School has weird requirements for it.
I am currently working towards my Eagle rank for Boy Scouts.
Through Boy Scouts and Interact, I've amassed quite a bit of community service, in addition to some extra service outside of it.</p>

<p>So what do you all think? Do the 3 years of devotion to film, both in school and in extracurriculars, make an impact? Does working on my Eagle Project still have an impact, even though it won't be complete by the time my application is in? Am I correct in assuming being male will help me get in? Am I likely to get in, or is this just not happening?</p>

<p>you have a good chance</p>