ED deferred –– possible to do ED 2 at another school?

<p>I just got my deferral letter from Amherst today, and it says they've released me from my ED agreement, but now, with common app, I can't select Middlebury's ED 2 option because it conflicts with Amherst.</p>

<p>Is this something I just plain can't do?</p>

<p>No, you’re absolutely free to apply EDII to another school. The deferral released you from the binding commitment to your EDI school and has now put you in the RD group. Of course, if you get in your EDII school, you’ll need to withdraw your application to all other schools (including the prior EDI school).</p>

<p>You are allow to ED to another school.</p>

<p>you have to create an alternate application on commonapp, theres a link on the forum somewhere. look for a discussion in the common app subforum.</p>

<p>Thanks. I made the alternative version, but it’s still not letting me choose the ED 2 option for some reason. Maybe it’ll work itself out…</p>