<p>i was defered ED and i was wondering wat you guys think my chances are for RD... </p>
<p>Asian male who loves long walks on the beach - Instate VA
4.4 w/ 3.7uw (27 out of 400) top 7%
1300 SAT (690 Math 610 CR 600 W)
27 ACT
great EC's
plenty of community service (coach youth soccer team, adopt a highway, etc.)
clubs & leadership positions
NHS, National spanish honors society
2 ap's junior year, 3 ap's this year, all honors classes
founder of environmental club at school
awesome eng teacher rec
dunno about history teacer rec
good guidance counselor rec
dunno bout essays - i thought they were good
couple of minor awards - nothing special</p>
<p>give me some feedback here people. i need this. GONEEEEEE</p>
<p>not to mention ive played competitive sports all my life. varsity soccer, club soccer. jv basketball, rec basketball, ive had a job since 9th grade and my father is on the admissions board. ok i made up the dad part but</p>
"ur mom was out of my league. look how that turned out. i love u son."</p>
<p>HAHAHHAHA.. ahem sorry
anyways.. dude I hope you retook your SATs and scored higher your rank is kinda low but I think youll be fine with higher SAT</p>
<p>I don't think his chances are THAT low for RD. His SAT scores fall in teh range, and he is instate. I don't honestly know to tell the truth, but I think you have a healthy shot, since you are instate.</p>
<p>Where in VA? If itÂ’s Northern, then you should really withdraw your app and save your self the embarrassment of rejection. But anywhere else, excluding VA beach and Richmond, I would rate your chances at around 3-4%. What other schools are you applying to?</p>
<p>You have a decent chance of getting in RD, but I wouldn't count on it. The best advice I can give you is to maintain as close to a 4.0 as possible for the rest of the year and retake the SATs.</p>
<p>Are you instate? Then you have a decent shot at Uva RD. Your scores are just a little lower than averages of instates. Why not retake the SATs? I hope you'll get in.</p>
<p>You're very borderline. I mean, your extracurricular and stats are good, it's just that your SAT is a bit on the low side. 1900? Or am I thinking about the new SAT's wrong.</p>
<p>i don't think your chances are so bad. maybe you should redo the SATs, for the writing or something, and/or write extremly stellar essays. can you do all that? i don't know. i'm just suggesting. anyway these people here suck. you sound a little like a douche but i like you. in fact, uva could probably use more guys like you. actually, maybe you're a frat funny guy. in that case no. that is the very last thing uva needs more of. BUT you made me laugh, something that almost never happens on this site SO i really hope you get in, if not only because you made me laugh. ;) good luck though seriously.</p>
<p>I know people do not really believe this, but my friend is the worst testtaker in the entire world. When I say this, I mean that I would take a practice test with her and she would break 700 on every section, but when she actually takes the test her scores are low 600s. These are the special things about her:
-She is trilingual and learning a fourth language
-She has 6 classes from her local community college
-She will have 8 classes from William and Mary by the end of HS
-She founded and is president of a club
-She is a varsity athlete and has competed internationally
She is in-state and got deferred ED, does she has a chance RD?</p>