Ed duke 2016 chance

<p>please chance me!
I go to a high school considered one of the best in the country, and considered the best in NJ.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.85
ACT: 34
English: 36
Math: 36
Reading: 31
Science: 33</p>

Math 2: 800
Chem: 800</p>

varsity fencing 4 years, won a lot of awards but not being recruited
model un: 3 years, won a few awards at conferences
biology research: 2 years, its really intense
volunteer: counselor at a camp for kids with cancer for 2 summers</p>

<p>classes: 4 ap/ibs last year, 4 this year. rigorous course load.</p>

<p>recs: very good ones I think...</p>

<p>essays: I think they are good, doing both optional essays</p>

<p>applying ed!!! tell me what you think!!! i love duke!</p>

<p>do you have any other ECs and is that GPA W or UW?</p>


<p>and my ecs are a lot deeper than that, I just didnt want to write everything out. I have won a lot of stuff with all of them.</p>

<p>i think you will be competitive, ACT and GPA put get you solidly in the door, ECs seem pretty cool, and you think essays/recs will be good. Are you applying to Pratt or Trinity? Just because Pratt looks at scores a bit more importantly from what has been said on this site, so your 34 and 2 800s would make you a really strong candidate there.</p>