ED/EA decision timing revealed

12/14 4:00 MST for ED
12/17 4:00 MST for EA

Weird that it’s out there when it says it’s confidential, don’t share with students.

You are a :star: for posting this… Much love to you my friend.

spect zdeno, good stuff

someone said he already got the result, I don’t think it’s true.
I am an international student. Is there any difference between the date?

probably questbridge matching

^^agreed, probably Questbridge match

I guess the Counselor memo was overly ambitious. Email today from CC says Tuesday 12/15 at 4:00 MST for ED decisions.

Yes @zdeno33 but I think “the Admission Committee will notify you” means that on monday 12/14 they will contact if accepted? Not sure.

I don’t know - seems clear. Doesn’t mean I won’t check on Monday.

“As promised, the Admission Committee will notify you of your admission decision early next week. Our Early Decision notifications will be available to you online on Tuesday, December 15 at 4 p.m. MST.”

2 more days (maybe even 1) the wait is killing me

Don’t forget to head down to the ED thread on this forum! It’ll help the EDII folks out if you post your stats, regardless of the decision. Thank you and keep calm! :slight_smile:

Applied EA!!! So nervous for Thursday