ED/EA Miami University Ohio Fall 2023

Has anyone been able to join a Parents facebook group for Miami? I have submitted a request but it hasn’t been replied to.

Just to let you know there are two Miami Parent FB groups. The main one has 15K members and the secondary has like 5.6K members. The main is run by the school, but since it is a public school pretty much anything goes and posts don’t really get deleted. Really there isn’t much bad on there, but things got heated during Covid. Overall it is a good place to gain info on things. People are helpful. Although most answers to most questions could be found on the Miami website itself.

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Thanks! The one with like 15K members is the one I’ve requested access to but that was Friday so still hoping someone will accept my request:) I also messaged the admins but no luck.

I also requested that one last week and haven’t been approved yet either. Maybe they only take parents of existing kids as opposed to prospective kids?

I wondered that too. But it’s such a good way to get more insight. Hopefully they let us in:)


Any EA acceptances been to the campus? Or any current students or parents on? How are the dorms for freshman (old? gross? decent?)? How are the dining options? We probably won’t get to visit until late Spring, so curious what others think.

They have dorms that have been renovated and some that have not been. There is a price difference between the two. On our tour, we were able to go in one of the renovated ones, and they were very nice. There were many different places to eat. It seemed like most other campuses we have visited. I cannot speak to the quality of the actual food but seems like it would be fine. If you have not been to the campus at all, it is beautiful. It is remote, but very much like a college town “utopia”, as my daughter describes it. We have seen it with snow and also in the fall, and it was wonderful both times.

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you cannot choose a specific dorm. you choose an LLC and where those are located changes.

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Most of the dorms are renovated now. There are some that aren’t. Overall there aren’t that many complaints about the dorms. Most kids move off campus for Jr & Sr years into apartments or houses. Not everyone loves the food, but is that really the case on any campus.

Overall it is a fun campus and town. Good school. Plenty of opportunities.


They got a new food service provider this year. Things I’ve read on the student newspaper were generally positive. If you read any food reviews make sure they are current with the new provider.

When do you guys think EA II decisions will come out?

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anyone know which dorms are assigned to which LLCs? since we only pick an LLC and not a specific dorm.

Has anyone done an admitted students day?

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Hi, I need to vent. Especially to everyone who thinks they got good merit. My daughter was a finalist for the full ride scholarship, but got cut. She was asked to come to the scholars weekend where they are being shady and not saying how much merit aid is available by attending. “up to full tuition” but that leaves a lot in between. I now know of FOUR people, two who have worse stats than my daughter, and two who have similar stats who got WAY more merit. My daughter’s stats are: Weighted 4.71 and 33 ACT. She has the diversity they are looking for. In fact, went to the diversity weekend they offered in the Fall which upon completion promised a scholarship of between 3-5k. She got the low end of that. Not sure why. So she was given 22k total including the diversity scholarship.

None of these other people I mentioned were being considered for this presidential full ride. Yet 3 of them got 34k. From my same area. Two from my high school. The fourth kid who I heard “has c’s and d’s” got 28k. I’m beyond disgusted and probably moving on at this point. We were going to go to the scholars weekend, but now I have to what spend a grand to travel there to get the same 34k everyone got who never went?

I’d like to write a letter to admissions but I have no idea what to say. Thanks.

There’s more that goes into it besides just gpa and test scores. You’re complaining that your daughter didn’t get as much merit as those with lower stats. Well, guess I can complain that my daughter wasn’t accepted to her top choice school (our state school - in state sure would have been nice) and she knows other kids at her HS who were accepted with lower stats.

If you figure out exactly how decisions are made for who gets merit aid and who even gets admitted to colleges, please let me know. This is my third going through this and I still can’t figure it out.


The reason I’m upset is that with the expected merit with said chart on their website, college would actually be doable. It isn’t even the best fit for my daughter, but she was willing to make it work due to cost. Several of the people mentioned are friends kids so I’m well aware of their extracurriculars, etc. And yes, it is not fair. My daughter has x10 extracurriculars, awards, etc. Sorry your daughter wasn’t accepted to your state school. Mine was, but it is so expensive that it is cheaper to go out of state elsewhere. I think the problem I have is not only hearing what others got, but the published chart with the range of $. One would assume by looking at the chart that she’d be in the upper part of the that money range given her stats. If they never posted a chart, I would have been none the wiser.

I just want to say I get it and hear you 100%. My D19 ended up at Miami. Miami wasn’t her #1 or #2 choice. It might have been #4. The other schools D19 was looking at were similar to Miami in that they didn’t give merit$ 100% based on GPA or Test scores. They had ranges just like Miami. I was in your seat four years ago trying to figure out why this school and that school didn’t give more.

Then we had to have the money talk with D19 and show her the options in black and white for her schools. She cried some. In the end she made ended up at Miami because they gave her the best overall deal.

I will never say I know the secrets to what schools are looking for. Or how they rank one kid higher than another. Sadly as parents we don’t get to look behind the curtain. I just approached it with the idea of apply to many and see who gives out the best deal. I have a D23 and we are going through this process again. I actually dreaded it back in the Summer. I just can’t deal with all the hoops that they make the kids and sometimes parents jump through. Ironically it is looking like we are going to have a similar discussion with D23 soon. Her #1 isn’t near a cost effective as some others.

But I do feel your pain.

Has anyone seen anything about accepted student days? Just not sure if my son has missed an email with information about these dates.

Make it Miami days are online. I haven’t booked yet, so not sure what is full

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Thank you, i just booked one.

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