ED-first quarter grades?

<p>So, my counselor told me today that Penn called and asked for the transcript, etc. (although it had already showed up on penn portal...) AND my first quarter grades. I had all As (all AP and IB classes, 7 of them) but I had a C in math. (actually 69.4.....) Quarter grades dont' count at our school and are considered a progress report (so teacher's don't always put in all the assignments and i was absent the first 2 weeks for a summer program). so will this hurt me a lot? And does Penn even seriously consider these for ED? (my transcript before had a few Bs on it from jr year but otherwise all As)

<p>More and more people are saying that Penn has been asking for first quarter grades. Didn’t think they did this for ED. Good Luck! Did your counselor offer any explanation, that would have been helpful.</p>