ED II Chances?

<p>Academic stats:
GPA - 3.98 unweighted/ 4.36 weighted
- I am an IB Diploma student
- major: Public Policy
- Rank: 6/513</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Caucasian</p>

- Scholar of the Month
- National Honor Society
- Honor Roll
- Duke of Spirit
- Coach's Award
- Featured in State Newspaper, Local Newspaper,
News Station for Share the Sole</p>

-Track (4 years) - Varsity Letter, Capt. Senior year
-Cross Country (4 years) - Captain, Varsity, Prestigous Coach's Award for Leadership and excellence on the team, 1 per year
-Mayors Youth Advisory Board (2 years) - Co-Chair, going to Washington DC for a National Conference on it, Historian last year.
-Uganda Club (3 years) - Organized fast for malaria, Co-President (raised $16,000 this year for our Sister School)
- National Honor Society, Vice President, Fundraiser last year.</p>

<p>Running - 4:29 for the 1500. 2:06 for 800. 17:30 for 5k. Talked to the Coach's at Pomona, CMC, Whitman and am a "recruited athlete."</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
- 190 Hours at Beaverton Library helping Children
- 40 Hours working at Senior Center
- IB Executive Committee</p>

<p>Summer: I worked as a Congressional Page last summer</p>

<p>Special EC: Started an Organization/Project that works with corporations and local donors and gets brand new running shoes and donates them to low income High Schools so that student athletes who are unfortunate can have new running shoes and can run without hurting their feet. Named it "Share the Sole." So far, 150 pairs have been distributed through out the Metro Area.</p>

<p>Hook: Recruited Athlete for Track/XC</p>

<p>ACT: 30
APUSH Test: 4</p>

<p>I wrote my Common application essay on the question "How has community made you who you are?" and discussed Cross-country and the ice baths. It may sound strange, but my teachers and peers liked it. My Pomona essay was on fun and I wrote about pictionary, the Perseid Meteor shower and getting yelled at by the police haha.</p>

<p>One of my teacher recs said that "There are few times in teachersÂ’ careers that we meet someone who embodies the qualities of an ideal student: reflective, curious, open-minded and open-hearted, hardworking...etc."</p>

<p>As with many other apps, you have strong credentials with unique ECs.</p>

<p>Good luck - you should be hearing soon!</p>

<p>wow your ec's are incredible.
i think you'd have a great chance anywhere...
weird too, i applied to pomona cmc and whitman also :)</p>