ED II, is it messing with your head?

<p>Ok, so this ED II thing. Not many schools have it.
I am applying to NYU Stern for sure (its definitely up there with the schools I really want to go to), but I had also been deferred from my first choice school in the early round.</p>

<p>Information that I have garnered says that from my first choice school to which I have applied, only 10-15% of the deferred students are accepted in regular (not high at all).</p>

<p>Stern has become increasingly competitive these years, and is getting harder and harder to get into. Thus, that is why i am thinking about ED II.</p>

<p>I have looked around and tried to dig up any statistics on how much exactly an "ED II" really helps an applicant, and I really havent turned up with anything.</p>

<p>So as you see I am officially stuck in a dilemma which has been bothering me for a while now: take my chances with a marginally possible school that is my first choice, or ED II to Stern?</p>

<p>I guess many of you might be shouting at me for trying to play the numbers and statistics game here, but honestly, I really dont know about this ED II and the opportunity cost that comes with it in my situation. Talked with my parents and friends, and the fact that their opinions are split really does not help at all. So.. any inputs? (would appreciate it)</p>

<p>The official NYU website tells you that the only advantage of ED II is reducing decision stresses and receiving a decision early–there’s no additional chance of getting in. </p>

<p>Thus, apply RD.</p>

<p>Wait, where does it say that? I have looked around, a link would be great. Thanks.</p>

<p>[Freshman</a> Applicants](<a href=“First-Year Applicants”>First-Year Applicants)</p>

<p>Click the plus button below Regular Decision. Read the last paragraph. </p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>

<p>WAIT, reading it again, it seems they have been accepting more students as less students are applying. Pardon me about that.</p>

<p>^thanks a bunch!
that helped a lot.</p>

<p>“The official NYU website tells you that the only advantage of ED II is reducing decision stresses and receiving a decision early”</p>

<p>Thus apply ED II?</p>

<p>Anytime :)</p>