ED II to Johns Hopkins or WashU?

Two of my more realistic top choices this regular decision season are Johns Hopkins and Washington University in St. Louis. I’m an A level student with a 1510 SAT (Side question - should I submit this score to these unis?) and I’m applying for the Biomedical engineering programs. Between the two, I’d rather go to JH because it’s higher ranked, but I’ll have a better shot at getting in to WashU ED II than JH (slightly higher acceptance rate). As of now, I’m applying ED II to WashU, but wanted more opinions

What was your “unrealistic” choice, assuming you didn’t get your choice for ED1? Both are reaches. I would submit scores. Have you visited these schools?

I’m planning on applying RD to USC, Harvey Mudd, and one of Cornell, Rice, Harvard, Northwestern, Michigan or Rensselaer. My ED was Duke but didn’t get in :frowning:
I’m an international student so I haven’t been to any of them

I also see you got into Tulane and Case. Such different schools- you would pick Tulane which seems so different than JHU. I’d pick WashU

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I’d pick Tulane from my EAs. I’d go to JHU or WashU over it though

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What do you want out of college?

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A fantastic experience (which I’m sure I’ll have anywhere). A degree from an institution whose name holds merit. Connections that will be useful to me for the rest of my life. And a top quality education

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My daughter got into Tulane EA a couple years ago with $26K merit but our visit confirmed it wasn’t for her. Case would be better for your interests, Imo. Congrats on your acceptances.

I think you’d like USC.

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Thank you. What was it about Tulane that put her off? And in what ways would you say case is better for me?

For engineering- you asked in another thread Tulane vs GT. I’d pick GTech in a heartbeat if you get in over Tulane. Tulane for us felt too small and the dorms were terrible. Kind of rundown versus some of the other schools we toured that were better maintained (like Duke, USC, and Emory). My daughter participated for a while in some Tulane chat groups and she said it felt way too clique-y. Lots and lots from the Northeast and she knew she wouldn’t fit in. Maybe you should join a Tulane chat group and see if you can connect with some of these people and maybe you will/will not fit in. That’s what sealed the “no” from my daughter after she was on those chats.


Looking at your threads, you shouldn’t ED to any school. You don’t sound like you are ready to commit. Apply RD and take your time deciding.


Ah, okay. I haven’t really been able to get a feel for tulane yet. Where does one join a chat group? I’d definitely pick GA Tech from my EAs if I get in.
Incidentally, where did your daughter end up going?

She goes to USC and got a nice merit scholarship. She loves it and is premed.


I’d definitely choose WashU or JHU over the rest. And ED-ing will boost my chances so I figure it’s a good idea.

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Ah good choice! I’ll say hi if i get in :slight_smile:

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Early decision doesn’t allow “or”. You need to be 100% sure about the school you are ED’ing to.


Yup. It’s just a matter of making the final verdict - my preference is JHU but my chances are better at washU and I’m a 100% okay with either.

Neither JHU nor WashU are need blind for internationals. Can you afford to pay in full? If not don’t worry, they may still offer some aid, but the chances of getting an acceptance are much lower.

I would say that all other things being equal, I think your chances are higher for WashU. Main reason is that JHU BME is one of the top in the world and they only have a limited # of slots. They treat BME admissions separate from the other majors.

Good luck!


Scholarships would be a big help but if it comes to it, it isn’t necessary. I’m not applying for financial aid, so my chances with regards to that shouldn’t be affected.

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