<p>I was wondering, since you have to fill out the CSS profile by 1st of November and submit all application materials by November 15… Does that include the test scores?</p>
<p>Would I be able to take 2x subject tests in November (date of sitting should be November 1st I believe) and use the November test scores?</p>
<p>Would I be able to take the Reasoning in November and send it as a test score?</p>
<p>Or is October the last month they would accept?</p>
<p>Last year I took my SAT 2 at the beginning of Nov and it was perfectly fine for ED. I took Math and Chem in Oct and Nov and spent both near the end of Nov. The admissions people are very nice, helpful and understanding.so you should just talk to them.</p>
<p>@arcticmonkies I love Arctic Monkeys!
<p>Anyway, thanks for the reply. I actually e-mailed the office a few days ago after seeing that this thread didn’t get a reply. They sounded understanding as well, but advised me to still send in my last scores (before Nov) in case they were to review my application before they received the November ones.</p>
<p>Question. Did you put Amherst as one of the free schools to instantly send to, rush report or just review your scores and then send?
<p>@Someone007 Okay so I couldn’t remember what I did so I just double checked my email and I actually reviewed my scores and then sent them which is actually the wrong thing to do haha but I wasn’t about to send bad test scores, you know?
In theory you should do the instant send to because they get them quicker but Amherst is very understanding so you shouldn’t worry about it too much.</p>