ED Likely Letters

<p>Are there any recruited athletes applying ED on this forum who've gotten likely letters? Did any recruited athletes last year get a likely ED? Does Columbia even do likelies ED? I only ask because if it does, and they've already been sent out, it might be wise for me to start filling out some other apps lol, and apparently some other ivies have already sent them out.</p>

<p>i’ve never heard of ED likely letters</p>

<p>yeah seriously? there’s essentially no point in sending out ED likely letters, since everyone who got accepted ED is bound to go to that college anyway, which defeats the point of likely letters, which is to encourage you to go.</p>

<p>they do exist, thats all i’m going to say on the matter</p>

<p>It would make sense for them to give informal acceptances to athletes at this time (given the way the athletic recruiting process works), but I have no knowledge as to whether Columbia does that.</p>

<p>yes, my D (a recruited athlete) received a likely letter for ED a couple of weeks ago.</p>


<p>i just want an ED acceptance letter haha</p>

<p>I’m being recruited but I didn’t get a likely letter. Perhaps it depends on the sport?</p>

<p>Same here Hatoyama. I’m really, really hoping it depends on the sport lol.</p>

<p>It all depends on the sport. Football, basketball, ice hockey, and maybe a few others sports, depending on the school, give out most of the likely letters. I for example did not apply ed till late October after my official visit to Brown. And my coaches request for a likely letter is still being processed.</p>

<p>in some sports, the coach tells the athlete if he/she is going to receive a “likely letter.”</p>