ED question

<p>This might seem a newbish question to ask already far into the app process, but I would like to know if you can apply to any other schools with the addition of an ED college. In other words, do I have to wait until I receive notice from the Early Decision college and then apply if rejected, or can I apply and then withdraw if I get accepted to the ED college? Thanks.</p>

<p>depends on the school some ED schools will allow you to apply EA at other places some won't so it all depends.</p>

<p>You can apply elsewhere, but must w/d the other apps upon acceptance</p>

<p>What about specifically Johns Hopkins?</p>

<p>you can apply early action to other places but you commit to withdrawing those apps if you get in. You may not apply ED anywhere else.</p>

<p>If you're applying to the biomedical engineering major there are some differences, check out their website and search on Early Decision</p>

<p>Must I immediately withdraw all my other applications upon acceptance to my Early Decision University or can I wait until may 1 enough I know to withdraw? I just want to know where I lie among my friends who applied to the same schools but I guess I don't have that option if I get in, right?</p>

<p>You must withdraw other applications immediately. Think about it, by leaving your null application at play you cause more work for AOs and possibly displace other applicants who could end up on waitlists and not find out a final decision until latter.</p>