ED UVA or UPenn

Hey so right now I’m really conflicted. I’m currently deciding between applying ED to UVA or UPenn. I’m interested in attending business school. My dilemma is that UPenn is my dream school and the acceptance rate is significantly higher for ED applicants, but it also super expensive and I would possibly have to take student loans assuming I’m admitted.
UVA on the other hand is my in state school and also has an amazing business program. I would also be able to afford the cost tuition, however it’s just not my dream school. I would be perfectly content going to UVA but I’ve been fixated on Penn since my sophomore year. I was hoping to hear other thoughts on this?

An unaffordable option is not really an option.

Run the NPC (net price calculator) on Penn’s financial aid web-page to see if you will qualify for financial aid.


UVA is a fantastic in-state option.

I know some people consider this heresy, but you could not ED at either. If you know you can’t afford Penn, then that doesn’t make sense, just scratch it off your list. But if it is possible you could make it work depending on your actual aid offer, you could give it a shot without making it binding.


Giving up your your ED option at Virginia would make UVA a reach to high reach school.

From what I have seen of ED versus EA acceptance rates at UVA, they could largely be explained by things like hooked admits and different composition of the applicant pool, and not any sort of ED “boost” for unhooked applicants.

How accurate would you say the net-price calculator really is? Because I did use it and I got back a decent amount of aid but I’m not sure how much I can trust it.

I really do love UVA, I just feel like in the business world name alone gets you so far and If I was at Wharton I would definitely get opportunities and connections that I would have to work harder for at UVA. So I think That’s where I lay confused.

What amount of loans are you talking about at Penn? Anymore than the $27K max undergrad student loans is too much, IMO, and I wouldn’t apply at all.

UVA could work, but remember it is secondary admit to the business school, and is competitive, holistic admissions. Meaning gender, major, etc. need to be relatively balanced.

I agree you don’t have to apply ED anywhere, especially if you would prefer a direct admit to business.


Depends upon type of assets. For example, if your family is in the farming business or other type of family owned business, then it could be inaccurate.

Have you tried U Penn’s NPC ?

It depends on your situation and the quality and completeness of your inputs. Did you use your parents’ tax return and financial statements when completing it? NPCs may not be accurate if your parents are divorced, own real estate beyond a primary home, or own a business…are any of those the case for you?

Keep a screenshot of your NPC results at all schools.

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Just to give some details:

According to this source, the ED in-state acceptance rate this last cycle was 31%:

Then the EA in-state acceptance rate this last cycle was 27%:

That to me is far too small of a difference to think there is any sort of ED boost, particularly since UVA explicitly says so:


Early Decision vs. Early Action vs. Regular Decision
We maintain a consistent review throughout the application process so there is no advantage to choosing one application plan over another.

So that is what I would do if I were the OP–EA at UVA, RD at Penn, and see what happens.

The UVA name is not going to be a barrier anywhere you want to work. It is very well respected.


Great information. However, it is important to understand that ED apps get decision 2 months before EA apps.

I think this is sometimes less true than people believe/hope. Wharton does place well in certain very selective next steps, but then there is intense competition at Wharton for those positions, so is it really that helpful for a given individual? And UVA is usually still on “target school” lists, so it is not like you are somehow locked out of contention.

But as I have suggested in other posts, if you only EA to UVA, you can do what you like with Wharton. If you are not sure it would be affordable, you can RD. If the NPC is looking good, you could ED. Just print out the NPC result, which will allow you to negotiate, and possibly break your ED commitment if you cannot get back to something affordable.

Yes, if UVA was the OP’s top choice, and generally affordable, I would be fine recommending ED.

In these circumstances, where Wharton is clearly preferred, I would not typically see it worth doing ED at UVA just for the earlier answer.

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It’s only as accurate as your inputs. It was quite accurate for my family on both occasions; the FA offer matched the NPC estimate. Use information from parent tax returns and other financial documents for the most accurate estimate. Also, make sure you’re using the most recent NPC version (COA should be listed as $89,028).

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The chances of you getting into Wharton are very low, even if you have an excellent record, whereas your chances at UVa as an in-state are much better. U Va is highly respected, plus it’s cheap for you. I’d say don’t gamble on Wharton, and then go into debt for it. Go ED for U Va and be happy and financially whole.


I see, Thanks for your input!

Your parents should fill it out… and if you need to take loans, the school is not right for you. The $5500 federal I can understand for the Wharton name but anything else - heck no.

Don’t forget, UVA has secondary admission - so you’re not admitted to the commerce school as a first year.

Do the NPC with your parents. If they are comfortable with the results, then ED to Penn (and EA to Uva), since Penn is your first choice. If your parents cannot afford the NPC results and are not comfortable with the output, then EA Uva and RD Penn.