ED1 Bryn Mawr vs Wellesley

Hello! I am a rising senior trying to figure out her ED. My current top two schools are Bryn Mawr and Wellesley (and other sister schools are also on my list). I currently have hang-ups with both that are preventing me from choosing a top school. I was hoping current students or recent alums of the schools could help me out, either weighing in or sharing their own experiences.

Bryn Mawr: The pros I have (that wellesley does not share) is that I think I have a really good shot getting in, really close to Philly with PUBLIC TRANSPORT!, only abt an hour and a half on train from parents and (in other direction) from extended family (so I feel like I’ll have some support), Bi/Tri Co means access to other school experiences and classes.
My concerns mainly focus around it being a VERY small school, I want a small school but w 1200 undergrads it’s the same size as my HS (although to be fair my school is 6 grades, not 4). I know that the Consortium means that there’s chances to interact w other students, but I’m worried that it will be very much like high school. I’ve heard that it starts to feel constricting after a while. In addition, I know that Bryn Mawr doesn’t have the largest or best alumni network (Wellesley v much builds an accessible alumni network). A family friend who briefly went to Smith (albeit a good couple years ago) said that BM doesn’t really attend/interact w the other Sister schools and is kind of insular and there’s a reputation of it being a bit cult-ish.

Wellesley: My pros of wellesley are basically the opposite of my cons of BM, it’s relatively bigger, a strong alumni network, more involved w seven sisters. There’s other stuff I like abt the school but those things it somewhat shares/has a comparable thing w Bryn Mawr.
My cons: Boston is further from the school (~40 min) and you need to use the school’s buses (which I’ve heard run infrequently) and therefore it’s consortium w MIT and the others is less strong, not as close to family, I’ve heard it’s competitive and a little snobbish, it is also harder to get into

I’ve visited both schools and really like both of them based on atmosphere of campus but these are some issues that I find hard to ignore. Any advice would be very welcome!

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I can’t answer on the schools but if you’re not 100% sold, why ED? Are both within budget ? ED is binding.

You don’t have to ED - most kids don’t.

Both have ED1 and 2 so if you decide to go that route - once you pick one, you can do two on the other if rejected.

There are no perfect schools so you’ll always have issues.

Have you looked at Agnes Scott outside Atlanta ? There’s a ton of cross reg options including with Emory.

Best of luck making your decision.

There is a commuter rail in the town of Wellesley. I don’t know a lot about the college, but I spent a lot of time in the town this past year and I often saw students riding bikes to the train station. (I just mapped it and depending on where in the college you are coming from it is about 3/4 of a mile.)

ETA 2: Wellesley Square is the closest station. Here is the current schedule, but I think it changes a bit after Labor Day to a school year schedule.

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Wellesley’s professional network (alums, professors who can connect you, etc.) is superb. Not a knock on Bryn Mawr-- but the interest and activation of the Wellesley grads (recent, in the past, a long, long time ago) is something to behold.

Boston is not hard to get to on the W vans- and the public transportation link is a fine option as well.

If you want to be closer to family, than clearly it’s BM for the win. But if you are ambivalent about that (it’s both good and bad in my experience)-- why not ditch ED and just apply to both RD and see how you feel in April?


You have a good handle on your personal pros and cons - but I don’t think people on a website who never met you will know the better fit college.

FWIW I only recommend applying ED if you have a definitive top choice.


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